06-09-2010, 08:51 PM
phobia Wrote:Lol mate, you convince me man youre even more frustrated then i tought. must be hard to see the server die. perhaps this is the coward way of saying what you think about the situation. well i must say im pleased to hear that you find a way to ghet rid of the frustration inside. but damn man it wont help the server by the way i realy liked to meet you 2 in real. maybe then you would be 2 so convinced. altough i doubt that. it would be just who stabs the first i geus. by the way don't call me things i am not. maybe you would be so stupid to be nazi?
dude you made his point for him!! none of that rambling made any sense at all. do us all a favor and go jump from a very tall building thanks
Well you convinced me that this is not worht it anymore. i mean how can you ever take opinions so that youre own feelings ghet hurt, its just a game lets quit it its not worth it