03-09-2010, 01:20 PM
thx dudes nice to see peoples can understand Druids english
//im sure its not very hard if u can use ur brain...
(may there is alot ***** dont know how we start learn english...short story:we start play IN when it is up(99 or 2000) and everyone speak english we only know "hi go bye no yes" and like this but we used our brains to learn understand then used dictionarys for know more english words..now i can understand english yes maybe cant speak and write good but can understand %90 of it) whatever **** english and speak about bla bla pvp...
gang is a good man he tryed teach me pvp he gave me items also he fight and practic with me thx for all gang-
"and then staff member agrees with him and even claims it was best post ever makes the shard look bad?"
No its democracy...
its equality how u can say "its good pvp" we can say "no its bad" too...
why we are here?(we are mean IN peoples)
we are here for IN
but there is only citys like IN and some of armor colors...
there is alot people lost(or give) years to IN
coz it was funny
why funny?
peoples work 2 week for make a ****ed rare armor
peoples hunt creatures and mining for make ****ed rare weapons
peoples try tame 4 hours for get a ****ed mount
then peoples equip them and go fights why?
coz peoples was want be splendid
peoples get excited for loot something or lost something why?
coz all was hard to get...
if u wear bad armors hh hf sov sdk kick ur ass easy if u wear rare armors weapons not hit hard soo it(armors) was a condition for live
more soooo blacksmith is important for peoples soo mining and mine zones are important for peoples...
about pvp yes we out of mana all the times at IN
it was balanced
there was not ****ed injection play for u
we used our hands for live more there wasnt autocuts or res or scroolselfmacros.... all was about peoples capacity not about the ****ed program scripts...
here when u 3 and when ur enemys 7 u ll die %100
this 3 can wear best armor of IN-x take best bow and weapon of IN-x
just give scrools to 7 enemy only pots and regs u ll die
only 3 macro enough to kill you run fs light fs light maybe sometimes bandageself ghself...
but i saw alot group fight at IN
i can remember Ghudabul(he was our enemy but we were chaos and killed orders together) and me killed 5 people at Sh with walls without scrools...
with our ****ed brains and tactics run hide hit wall wait for their manas over etc etc...
i can remember a lot fight like this
tiger(my cousein) and me won a equal tourney 11v2
i can remember 3 of SIN or 3 of Doom or 3 of Tru 3 of KoC 3 of BLacK fought to 5 or more and won a lot time how?with brains and capacity and yes rare items sometimes with luck also
not with ****ed scripts and programs(when hp down of 40 gh scrooltargetself when mana is down of 50 drinkmanapot i mean it with scripts)
i can remember 13 people online last times of IN1 but all the times this 13 people around of sh with armors weapons mounts ready for fight ready for loot and lost...
what i mean?i ll try explain...
here server status is 100 or more it dont matters why?
coz %80 of it at pits(why the citys still in map i dont know for only creatures?) %10 of it crafts other %10s %5 groups others can only be ganked...
want more_?
just look...
//im sure its not very hard if u can use ur brain...
(may there is alot ***** dont know how we start learn english...short story:we start play IN when it is up(99 or 2000) and everyone speak english we only know "hi go bye no yes" and like this but we used our brains to learn understand then used dictionarys for know more english words..now i can understand english yes maybe cant speak and write good but can understand %90 of it) whatever **** english and speak about bla bla pvp...
gang is a good man he tryed teach me pvp he gave me items also he fight and practic with me thx for all gang-
"and then staff member agrees with him and even claims it was best post ever makes the shard look bad?"
No its democracy...
its equality how u can say "its good pvp" we can say "no its bad" too...
why we are here?(we are mean IN peoples)
we are here for IN
but there is only citys like IN and some of armor colors...
there is alot people lost(or give) years to IN
coz it was funny
why funny?
peoples work 2 week for make a ****ed rare armor
peoples hunt creatures and mining for make ****ed rare weapons
peoples try tame 4 hours for get a ****ed mount
then peoples equip them and go fights why?
coz peoples was want be splendid
peoples get excited for loot something or lost something why?
coz all was hard to get...
if u wear bad armors hh hf sov sdk kick ur ass easy if u wear rare armors weapons not hit hard soo it(armors) was a condition for live
more soooo blacksmith is important for peoples soo mining and mine zones are important for peoples...
about pvp yes we out of mana all the times at IN
it was balanced
there was not ****ed injection play for u
we used our hands for live more there wasnt autocuts or res or scroolselfmacros.... all was about peoples capacity not about the ****ed program scripts...
here when u 3 and when ur enemys 7 u ll die %100
this 3 can wear best armor of IN-x take best bow and weapon of IN-x
just give scrools to 7 enemy only pots and regs u ll die
only 3 macro enough to kill you run fs light fs light maybe sometimes bandageself ghself...
but i saw alot group fight at IN
i can remember Ghudabul(he was our enemy but we were chaos and killed orders together) and me killed 5 people at Sh with walls without scrools...
with our ****ed brains and tactics run hide hit wall wait for their manas over etc etc...
i can remember a lot fight like this
tiger(my cousein) and me won a equal tourney 11v2
i can remember 3 of SIN or 3 of Doom or 3 of Tru 3 of KoC 3 of BLacK fought to 5 or more and won a lot time how?with brains and capacity and yes rare items sometimes with luck also
not with ****ed scripts and programs(when hp down of 40 gh scrooltargetself when mana is down of 50 drinkmanapot i mean it with scripts)
i can remember 13 people online last times of IN1 but all the times this 13 people around of sh with armors weapons mounts ready for fight ready for loot and lost...
what i mean?i ll try explain...
here server status is 100 or more it dont matters why?
coz %80 of it at pits(why the citys still in map i dont know for only creatures?) %10 of it crafts other %10s %5 groups others can only be ganked...
want more_?
just look...
Maniac Of bLacK
Druid a.k.a Alper Tunga