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Suggestion and ideas

Good, because nothing I open this post because I have some ideas or suggestions which I think could use the server.
Animal bonded 1
2nd Books of magic and runes newbie
3rd block of houses or people that they recognize no enemies.
4 º can Insurer items and armor.

Step by step explanations.
Animals 1 bonded.
I think they should be bonded because you will not be tameando animals every 2 to 3 such as the Mustang is hard to find and if you kill them over ..
2nd Books of Magic and Runes
I've always been newbie that I think is quite complicated having to carry all loose or make runes more books if they kill you.
Blocking 3rd house people who are not self-knowledge or enemies
Well and seen that you can enter the homes of other players if you are not friend or have great access.
I think even a pk site and you get into your house to come and open the door to enter and KP also kill you = then it serves to be your home if you do not provide refuge???
Let me exchange it hehe.
4th Insured Objects
Well I think they should be able to do that every time they kill you lose everything, Guns items.
I suggest you make an object has a reasonably priced item on that and played better serves the 1st time 800 and then 400 per item.
So things never not lose unless you run out of money in the bank.

Well I think that's all I ask not to be changed to my liking or to be put to all that but if you review and change what they believe to be convenient and give more play to the server.

Messages In This Thread
Suggestion and ideas - by Dukak - 12-10-2009, 03:45 PM
Suggestion and ideas - by Dukak - 12-10-2009, 03:49 PM
Suggestion and ideas - by smoke - 12-10-2009, 11:11 PM
Suggestion and ideas - by imported_Gang-Bang - 12-10-2009, 11:38 PM
Suggestion and ideas - by imported_Eru - 12-11-2009, 03:08 PM
Suggestion and ideas - by smoke - 12-11-2009, 11:57 PM

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