07-14-2009, 11:58 PM
Quote:When it comes to the PvP it's all opinion.
My opinion is as follows-
I have never played XUO before but it's style of PvP to me seems terrible. If you have to use more then UOAssist for PvP its not fun. I played a sphere.51a shard and used UOAssist. Now that was fun. A Variety of weapons were succesfull ranging from Elven Bows, Chu-ko-nu, War Fork, Long Sword, Bardiche. You used bandages. If you saw someone casting a long spell like flame strike you could set a macro to cast spell poison, last target and it would cast faster and when it poisoned it would cause them to fizzle. It was cool cause it was like you had to be aware of when and what they were casting to be able to time it. You could also drink invis pots if you saw a flamestrike coming to cause a fizzle. From what I've gathered there is almost no strategizing when you use this injection. Its all about the macros. The best macros timed right win. Where the fun in that?
Im not against macros, but when you can write out like 8 lines of script for a macro then push one button and you say Kal Vas Flam, In Vas Mani 100 times (exaggeration) heal yourself equip bow and cast spell, well thats just insane. Of course in no way am I trying to get it changed to my ways, I'm just old school and thats why you wont see me PvP probably.
Noone here using 8lines scripts for PvP. Its exactly same scripts like you used on assist. For example - One key fs last target, other key heal yourself and so on.
Longest script that I use for pvp looks like:
sub scroll_xuo_last()
uo.exec("usetype 0x1f5f")
end sub
It will just cast XUO FlameStrike on last target when I'll press hotkey, its not like I'm pressing one button and watching how my character fights.
There are no combo-scripts at all. We use injection just cos its a little bit faster than assist or razor and it will never display such messages as "Macro halted" or something like that... This PvP is about timing and about knowing which move your opponent will make, its about counting your own mana/hitpoints and also knowing how much mana opponent has. Its about tricking him, controlling the fight make him heal more frequently thus you will hit more and drain mana faster... And much more. It's just impossible to explain every aspect of this PvP on forums...
I really suggest you to try it out, even tho if you didn't duel so much here you can see it as "boring and repetative" but trust me there is alot of variety and everyone who PvPed here for at least two months will proove it.