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Xtreme Monsters

LudaKrishna Wrote:your timeline to get an xtreme set is still one day....that's what we're trying to tell u is that your not supposed to get it in 1 day. For other armors, you'd have to have gm mining or 95+ to get Black Diamond or Black Rock AND u need to have gm blacksmity to craft the armor like shade pointed out that alone takes time.

No, I'm not trying to establish a 1 day time period to be able to get an Xtreme set. It was a comparison. You guys are right, Xtreme armor is one of the highest AR sets in the game and shouldn't take 30 seconds to get. I said increase the drop rate by 1-2% at most for now and we can see how that is. A 1-2% increase in the drop rate won't give you a set in 1 day compared to the 1 week you guys say it takes now.

Ryuuku Wrote:Are you srsly when you write this?

To kill an extreme you just need magery, archery, tatics.

You can choose those 3 from stone (Magery 90) (Tatics 100) (Archery 100).

Now you just need to hunt like 10k EASY, buy some cheap scrolls and you are done to kill any Xtreme.

Why you need provo? You cant provo xtremes.
I tought we were talking about xtremes here.

Edit: You can finish magery very easy if you hunt one day you can finish on the other one.
But you can choose 90 mining from stone ( what is STUPID 90 mining is to much) and still need to mine like 40+ hours to finish it.
And 65 bs , so you need to get around 230k iron to gm it and be able to make adamant and saph set.

It's more then those 3 skills Ryuuku. You need evaluating intelligence, anatomy, resisting spells (unless you want to die in 1 cast from another monster nearby), healing, maybe hiding, etc.

I agree a sapphire or adam set takes longer to gather the ingots for and the time to train the skills to be able to make it, but the way Shade said it was as if there's 0 prep time required to be able to go out and hunt. Hunting also requires some player skill, it's not just running a macro like mining is.

As for needing 40+ hours to go from 90-100 mining that's not true at all. I seriously doubt I even spent 40 hours training it from 60-100!!

Thread summary: I'm not asking to get the Xtreme armor drop rate increased so drastically that you can get a whole set in 1 day, I'm asking if we can do a small increase to make it a bit more common. Smoke said the economy is f*cked, well that doesn't necessarily mean there are Xtreme armor pieces for sale! Like I said in my last post, there's none at all in the vendor mall so it's not exactly the most common thing in the world.

Messages In This Thread
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-01-2009, 06:45 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_Jackal - 07-01-2009, 07:26 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-01-2009, 08:07 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_Jackal - 07-01-2009, 08:14 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-01-2009, 08:23 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by smoke - 07-01-2009, 10:01 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_LudaKrishna - 07-01-2009, 10:45 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_Shade - 07-01-2009, 11:44 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-01-2009, 06:29 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_Ryuuku - 07-01-2009, 06:52 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_LudaKrishna - 07-01-2009, 06:59 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-01-2009, 07:25 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_LudaKrishna - 07-01-2009, 07:51 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-01-2009, 08:00 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_LudaKrishna - 07-01-2009, 08:24 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-01-2009, 09:33 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by smoke - 07-01-2009, 09:50 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_Malik - 07-01-2009, 11:12 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-02-2009, 02:58 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by smoke - 07-02-2009, 03:06 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-02-2009, 03:18 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by smoke - 07-02-2009, 04:09 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_LudaKrishna - 07-02-2009, 06:13 AM
Xtreme Monsters - by Eighty Swords - 07-02-2009, 02:52 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by imported_LudaKrishna - 07-02-2009, 07:24 PM
Xtreme Monsters - by smoke - 07-02-2009, 07:44 PM

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