06-29-2009, 08:18 AM
Shade Wrote:Heres a sample of my tracert:
3 8 ms 5 ms 8 ms gig3-0-0.gnboncsg-rtr1.triad.rr.com []
4 10 ms 8 ms 11 ms ge-1-3-0.chrlncpop-rtr1.southeast.rr.com[]
5 10 ms 9 ms 10 ms te-3-3.car1.Charlotte1.Level3.net []
6 17 ms 15 ms 16 ms ae-4-4.ebr1.Atlanta2.Level3.net []
7 15 ms 14 ms 20 ms ae-63-60.ebr3.Atlanta2.Level3.net []
8 35 ms 35 ms 35 ms ae-7.ebr3.Dallas1.Level3.net []
9 76 ms 69 ms 72 ms ae-3.ebr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net[]
10 76 ms 71 ms 72 ms ae-93-98.ebr3.LosAngeles1.Level3.net[]
11 89 ms 76 ms 86 ms ae-2.ebr3.SanJose1.Level3.net []
12 83 ms 90 ms 75 ms ae-63-63.csw1.SanJose1.Level3.net[]
13 78 ms 75 ms 76 ms ae-1-69.edge1.SanJose3.Level3.net[]
14 84 ms 84 ms 83 ms KPN.edge1.SanJose3.Level3.net []
15 175 ms 176 ms 176 ms chg-s1-rou-1001.US.eurorings.net []
Also I thought I would just throw in that just because a line is named LosAngeles doesn't mean thats where it is located or where the information is travelling. Most of Papa and my hops take place in Minnesota, contrary to the names of the lines, before going to New York and then hopping to Netherlands.
Los Angeles or not. It doesn't matter. Your ping is already near 100ms when the packet is still in the US. It does make a strange route and I've seen that happen many times before. Usually contacting your isp will fix the route as they know where it really happens and who to contact for that.