06-14-2009, 05:20 PM
Answer = Jail.
Players that ruin events for other players should be punished as the other offences are punished. I think jail is a very "fair" punishment for going AFK in an event unless there is a valid explanation. I do see in some events there are 1 day old players that join a team just to stand there AFK. . . those players should be jailed, others that are known active all the time should also be jailed because there is no excuse for going AFK an entire event and ruining it for everyone else. This gets players upset and aggrivated towards the shard and staff team. Just my opinion.
Scarecrow [Prototype].
Players that ruin events for other players should be punished as the other offences are punished. I think jail is a very "fair" punishment for going AFK in an event unless there is a valid explanation. I do see in some events there are 1 day old players that join a team just to stand there AFK. . . those players should be jailed, others that are known active all the time should also be jailed because there is no excuse for going AFK an entire event and ruining it for everyone else. This gets players upset and aggrivated towards the shard and staff team. Just my opinion.
Scarecrow [Prototype].
Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje