04-29-2009, 07:40 PM
Jackal Wrote:Have No fear the New counsie is HERE!
*notices how his fear is removed all at once*
Wow this guy is good! :eek:
Menace I'm sorry that you feel that way, but there is truth in what you say tho, but I do not think that staff hosting tourneys 24/7 would be the solution tho. I've tried to host a few tourneys at low-client-times and do you know how many players that actually show up? That's right, one or two.
What would work is if these 30 active players would decide that instead of logging on and going AFK they'd all gear up, go hunt in groups, or just go gank in groups. If 30 people would be ganking at once then it would feel pretty much as active as a shard with 200 players (because usually even at shards with 200 players there's like 30 ppl ganking and the rest hunting or macroing or whatever).
So if we would all group together and start doing stuff instead of sitting AFK, then we'd have an active shard, new players would see people running around, and they wouldn't have to log off.
When it comes to your friends with no skills and too lazy to macro I understand them, but now we actually have a skill stone which offers a couple of GM skills to newcomers, and after that all they have to do is macro a few hours and they're all set for ganking, woho! :]
We will send out the emails soon, and go out of beta, and when that happens you get your friends on here, and we'll have lots of fun, and it'll be great, I really think so, just hang in there! :]