03-11-2009, 04:40 PM
Well, i have em already. I don't have safezone where skill gain is enabled and so on(I mean guardzones, but with our guards, disabled summons/mass spells in guard area and vendors who scream GUARDS GUARDS right when any crim shows up, its a safezone) . What im saying is, if staff want to see more murderers in general this thing really won't make it happen. It will be more antiPvP than PvP feature. I personally will hop on my blue character and play on it. And if population will grow and this thing will be implemented, i can guarantee that u will see tons of people with 5 kills staying AFK in pits, cause they know that now its not a good time to play, since everyone will go on them. And very soon this server won't have red people at all. Maybe ill leave one character red, but it brings nothing but headache, i will have to find someone with my blue, then log out, get on red, then kill, then log off and login on blue. Also i dunno why u think that PvPer = red. Take a look on Mito, Delfos, Juanin , Shifty, Monkey. I just think it will be very unfair advantage if they could track me, and i couldn't track em. There are no way this system could be implemented without KC wipe and removing PvP part from the server type. It will be completely PvE/RP server, where pvping is just allowed. As long as staff doesnt encourage it, its not a pvp server