02-25-2009, 08:52 PM
Rabbi Samild Wrote:Sweeeeeeeeet. Can we get a poll on which type of shield (with pics) the new neutrals could be? Heaters seemed like such a good way to separated from order/chaos until we actually saw them :/.
Honestly I already think the neutrals are too beefed up. I mean its like 2 less AR, still newbied and r/r. Your risking absolutely nothing to have it. The whole point of the newbied shield I thought was that you had to have a risk on you to obtain it (being order/chaos). If you give them a unique graphic as well thats cool, but nerf the AR on them a bit more then to like 20 or something. There has to be a sizable difference in AR though between a shield you must pvp for, and one that you never have to.