02-08-2009, 05:16 PM
Jiraiya Wrote:Yeah but do you really think you should have to spend hundreds of hours just to find something like a mount? I see what your saying though about people who have already found them being left with the short end of the stick. But if you think back, would it have been better for you if you had to spend something like 70 hours looking for spawns rather than several times that? Plus these people still have to do the quests to get into some of the places, or solve the puzzles/dungeons to even get to where the mounts are.
If you like mounts and enjoy be a tammer you should work hard to have all spots and after it you can own it if you have the skills and wanna do it. And believe me give just a run around world to find all they dont is a hard work.
Jiraiya Wrote:Plus these people still have to do the quests to get into some of the places, or solve the puzzles/dungeons to even get to where the mounts are.
You dont need be a genious to solve those puzzles Me and Theo did Wiz and Daemon stang in less than an hour. Black rock in less than 2 hours, for sure BR is not easy to reach, but dosnt hard to do the puzzle.
Just if someone is dumb enough to try to do it just when alive and not when dead. I did all puzzle dead cause alive is just to much work and wast of resource.