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The Love Casino

Okay this is hopefully my last edit to this thread. A few people helped contribute input and ideas for how to make the barfighting inside love casino fair and balanced for reds and blues. We also sat around and tried many ways to exploit the area with dirty tricks players would no doubt try and use to grief at the bar. The listing to follow hopefully describes everything someone needs to know about how the barfighting in love casino will work.

There is now a gate inside pits to the bar. It is the gray gate to the right of the duel stones gate.

1. When you enter from pits there is a tile which ports you inside the bar. Once inside the bar to get back out you must walk to the door again where there is a tile which has a 5 second timer to get out, much like the casino at brit. This is interuptable by damage. The door itself will remain locked. This is to prevent people from abusing the guard zone. You can of course recall from the bar at any time via your own rune or from the runebooks available.

2. Inside the bar there are only a few spells allowed. And this is only because it was neccisary to balance barfighting.
-clumsy and magic arrow (to break recall or countdown tile)
-teleport (to escape from player walls)
-recall (obvious)
-invisability (to escape from a mass gank, remember you can always detect hidden to find them)
-dispel (incase someone gets cheeky and tries to come in as a daemon or dragon)
-dispel field (incase someone figures out a way to para field the bar or something, but shade may have fixed this so it isnt neccisary)

3. All weapons are allowed and fully functional, hells halbards, black widows, etc.

4. Potions and bandages are your only method of healing.

So last note, thanks to Madman and Gangbang for helping fix up the barfighting to be fair and hopefully fun. And of course to Shade for taking the time to put it together for us Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
The Love Casino - by imported_Jiraiya - 01-13-2009, 02:02 AM
The Love Casino - by imported_Cailey - 01-13-2009, 02:56 AM
The Love Casino - by imported_Jiraiya - 01-13-2009, 03:38 AM
The Love Casino - by imported_Jiraiya - 01-15-2009, 12:13 AM
The Love Casino - by imported_Ryuuku - 01-15-2009, 04:58 AM
The Love Casino - by imported_Jiraiya - 01-15-2009, 06:07 AM
The Love Casino - by imported_Jiraiya - 01-18-2009, 10:41 AM
The Love Casino - by imported_Lederoil - 01-18-2009, 03:49 PM
The Love Casino - by imported_Jiraiya - 01-18-2009, 06:33 PM

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