12-01-2008, 05:02 AM
Galdor Wrote:Hmmm... ok we ll give fullspellbook, full combat skills, full magery and heal...
soo thats enough... No...
Cause if they have no money they cant buy anything... soo we ll give 500k when starting or 1mil maybe... ah they dont have any ins. skill and alchmy skill we ll give full alchmy and ins.
Dont be gona mad... when IN1 and INR closed, i tryed some UO servers(found uo top 100 and 200).. i joined a server its a PvP server they give all skills and stats and give 200k money... soo i started to play and started in brit bank... waited near 5 hours and didnt see any ppl and than traveled world didnt see any afk macroer or something...
I think its not a good idea... and it wouldnt be change online ppl cause all world is playing new WOW expn. [online players are playing too]
do you even read what you type?.. seriously.