05-12-2008, 01:45 AM
Just because it isn't perfect doesn't mean it can't be up. I never really understood why the bugs couldn't be slowly worked out on a test server while IN:X stayed alive. Obviously there are still some players who are diehard fans and such... if nothing else they should be able to hang out.
If there is a hosting issue or lack of staff to watch over and help players, I can help out on either end.
One thing is for sure though, just because the shard didn't live up to some peoples expectations doesn't make it a failure. Just look at the fact that there is still a following. My post will probably serve no purpose, which is why I haven't posted in awhile as it seems pointless. That doesn't mean I wasn't checking up on the shard and I have a feeling I wasn't the only one silently watching.
an update would be cool, even if its bad news... still better then no news.
If there is a hosting issue or lack of staff to watch over and help players, I can help out on either end.
One thing is for sure though, just because the shard didn't live up to some peoples expectations doesn't make it a failure. Just look at the fact that there is still a following. My post will probably serve no purpose, which is why I haven't posted in awhile as it seems pointless. That doesn't mean I wasn't checking up on the shard and I have a feeling I wasn't the only one silently watching.
an update would be cool, even if its bad news... still better then no news.