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Clearing up some things about the players.

Difference is that I quit while staff still were active. I answered almost every question on the forum, even when I was scripting. I also managed to answer quite a few questions on IRC. The staff team did their best to answer pages in game (as I had pretty much no time to be ingame).

I'll just use the PvP issue as an example. People kept asking over and over again if we were going to implement armor scalar on certain spells (Eb, Arrow and Explo), so that naked ganking would be less beneficial. I answered in about 3 different threads that we would, and I even gave some examples on how I thought it should/will be. Yet, you had like 5 people saying that we don't listen to them, and that we refused to make positive changes in PvP. According to them we just didn't care what they said and that made us a bad staff team and a hopeless shard. This was while my computer was dead, but I was still working with code and algos. I never sent in my code, even though it was finished (think that someone else fixed it later?), cause it was about at this point that I stopped caring.

So no, I know exactly why I left, and at that time, I think our staff were one of the best and most dedicated that I've seen. The issue you described might (and probably is) the problem now, but I'd say that one of the many issues was that people either did not read our answers, respect them or appreciate that we couldn't possibly put in more time that we already did. We couldn't seem to hire more devs, and you ask yourself why? We already tried, 5 or 6 times, but failed.

They are either not knowledgeable enough, have to little time, get bored after 3 fixes or {some random problem here}, the list just continues. Now, even if they managed to pass that, there is still the trust issue. There is enough people that wants the scripts, even enough people that would pay for a sphere replica on RunUO. I've been offered decent amount of money (more than we gotten as a total through our donations) numerous times to actually fix only certain systems (spell, combat, AI), not even the full shard. So granted, we do not want to hand our code out to the public.

So at the point I was still dedicated to this server, at the point when I felt like doing my best to make it work, and things were going pretty much as good as they could. We had change logs every week, with HUGE amount of fixes and updates, staff coverage almost all the time and forum coverage. Granted, development would have been faster with more than taran and me working with the code (Odium did some fixes too), but we could not find any devs. Non the less, development was far from slow and the staff were dedicated.

I don't feel good about being back on the forums so this is my last reply. Think that I've said everything I needed to say, so its back to real life. I wish everyone the best of luck.

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