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Clearing up some things about the players.

I agree with a lot of the things you're saying, Scarecrow. It's hard to appreciate the work that goes on behind closed doors when things aren't made translucent. This shard has a great start, and it's still young, but there aren't unlimited things that need to be done with it. Like everything else that evolves, I think that as long as there is someone continuing to plug on and do work, add mods, tweaks scripts and host tournies, this shard can continue to be enjoyable and well-kept.

My hope is that Maka's post isn't signaling the death of the shard, just how he feels about being unappreciated - for ****'s sake, he put a lot of work into the shard. What I think we need to do is ride through the rough times (I honestly believe that we've made it through the worst) and continue to improve and refine as we evolve as a shard. Sure the INers and XUOers were going at it like crazy when you mixed them together; it's sort of like mixing sugar and salt together. From the outside they may look the same, but if you analyze the mix it's not really put together. What we need to do is add a little water, some heat, and continue to stir the pot to figure out what will improve the shard!

I have a great time every time I log onto the shard. Whether it's talking to players (Gees, I even get along with some of the PKs now), to crafting, hunting, fishing, etc, I really enjoy myself.

I'm just hoping that everything will continue to pan out and we can get some mods down the road to draw in new players. The groundwork is set and thats the hardest part! We have only to continue to pave the way to the future for this shard - and the future is bright.

Ignore the haters, the flamers, and the losers. That's not what IN stood for in the past and I'm sure the XUOers won't stand for anything less than excellence. Let's stick together and continue to work on our path to IN:XUO greatness!

Who's with me?!

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