01-21-2008, 05:15 AM
Scare hit it right on the head.. Ive noticed this alot lately and have been meaning to post about it.. everyone I know in my timezone struggles with this problem.. honestly its a HUGE problem.. if it keeps up I hate to say it but the shard will die.. its not a matter of if it will or not, its a matter of when.. if the staff seriously want to keep IN-X running.. a few things need to be done.. double the staff literally.. hire like 5 people.. open duels stones for more than 2 hours a day.. the reason I say this is because the staff dont see what we see.. I get into duel pits and see 10 or 12 people in there which is insane to see.. the second the duels pits are taken away 8 - 10 of those people log off or go afk.. because they know its the only thing to do. In the past week Ive only seen 1 or 2 tournies.. Im not trying to flame like scare said either but honestly its sad to see 250+ players when I started and now were lucky if we hit 100...... thats more than half the shard gone in the last 6 months.. thats crazy. I promise you if you hire more staff, people will come back and heres an idea.. if you really want to bring it back to life.. give everyone 1 crafting skill of their choice 100% gmed.. because we all know how ridiculous skill gain is for those, I think that could draw some people back to our shard along with many more events/tournies being hosted. Just a very long thought.. but im telling you if something doesnt happen soon this shard is toast..