01-16-2008, 03:53 PM
Darkichus Wrote:i see that you and those others want to have it easy...
just like macro's...ppl want everything to be easy...
isnt there anything hard to do...instead of letting the computer do all?
i know u cant macro taming skill...at least not 24/7...but it takes a chance away from others who DON'T like that gate travel ride stuff...those players are players who play like it should be...stay on that place...keep your eyes open for anything else....maybe lure it to a place where no monsters can see you...but not at your house cause then the gameplay is ruined cause of the lack of energy that should be put in the game...
And how many people LIKE to gate travel ride stuff?. If you want to play as should be STANGS Shouldnt go to spawn with a TIMER cos this is only in INX so... what can i say? Sphere didnt had a timer for each stang spawn to go to its place. almost at all the sphere servers that i had played (a lot).
About the lack of energy i should say: probably i dont have the same time as you for playing or i have spent a lot of time to find the stang.
Darkichus Wrote:else i suggest for you and those others who like to get it all easy...skills and stats...by setting a autobot program for playing IN-X uo...cause what is the fun about UO?...playing by using your hands, and by that, ppl can see how good you r...you r not good when u got very many rides by gating them and stuff...and har har..blah blah i got more and i got good macro's...
you r good when u do it by hand...and using your skill and take time to tame it...or gain skills by it...
thats your opinion. Doesnt mean that u have to be right.
I wish i could use an autobot for mining and blacksmith and those craft skills so i could enjoy the game sooner. instead of been all the day macroing as 60 days i have been macroing with non stop.
the others 15-20 days left i've been outside without playing .
Darkichus Wrote:ppl can see how good you r...you r not good when u got very many rides by gating them and stuff...and har har..blah blah i got more and i got good macro's...
you r good when u do it by hand...and using your skill and take time to tame it...or gain skills by it...
In my opinion, this was very funny probably i didnt understand, what u mean but as i see ur point of view is that... if people see that u have a lot of rides without gating... You will be good ?
By all the ways u need to take time to tame it and skills.
So u dont use macros then as Animal taming wait for target last target wait x seconds? for example?
if so.. why you use macros? you just said that u like to play as has to be played so why (im fully sure) that u use razor or other external program.
As you like to play by hand play only with the client. Dont use Uo Auto Map nor Assist, nor use web pages for find help about the game right? cos the game is been made to play without helps. ìì quite ilogical.
Darkichus Wrote:neither you or me should be able to gate rides...cause it takes away a piece of fun and a huge piece of gameplay.
whatever you will say...and all the conclusions you make...what i say is true...and what you say is "we want it to be easy" cause else we lose the ride or whatever you'll achieve by putting (much) effort in.
i am not a super english man...but what i explane is pretty obvious..isnt it?
Well if i can gate You dont have to do it and if you think you will be better for doing by hands, you dont have to gate to your House and take the mustang there and tame it. You just can do it without gate, if thats the way u like why not?.
If i prefer to gate just that if u dont like you just can decide about what to do: take the stang and tame it in your house or be a brave that wants to tame it at mustang original spawn. You choose.
that's your opinion i respect it. but you have to respect mine.
I know that my opinion would disagree a lot of people and i know that your opinion will disagree a lot of people.
Sorry for my english.
Kind regards