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Thougt id say hi

Ahh, Kandorin, Aghast and Bart. I remember ye all! Great to see you around :>

And regarding the shard. Well. I dont care how it is right now. I havent played yet, so I cant say anything.. Buut, its beta aint it? So, hopefully it will get better. None the less, its as close to good old IN1 ill ever come.

I prefered IN2 tho tbh. With skill cap. But oh well. Will be fun to check things out.

If im online, you will prob find me in Minoc. Come and say hi :>

IN1: Caradoc [Elder Vampire]
IN2: Havagrim [N] (Norse)
INX: Caereus
Zordar, where are you!!@11! WTB ZORDAR

Messages In This Thread
Thougt id say hi - by imported_Havagrim - 01-07-2008, 11:33 AM
Thougt id say hi - by imported_Kandorin - 01-07-2008, 11:48 PM
Thougt id say hi - by imported_Aghast - 01-08-2008, 12:37 AM
Thougt id say hi - by imported_Kandorin - 01-08-2008, 12:40 AM
Thougt id say hi - by imported_Bart - 01-08-2008, 12:48 AM
Thougt id say hi - by imported_Havagrim - 01-08-2008, 01:26 AM
Thougt id say hi - by imported_ScareCrow - 01-08-2008, 03:10 AM
Thougt id say hi - by imported_Slaquer - 01-08-2008, 07:52 PM

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