12-06-2007, 01:28 PM
Smurtle Wrote:Easy. Walk to a mine. Take a pick axe and double click it, set a macro, make a macro to mine. Do that 34238492348902384902849023849023849023849023489023489023489023849 times.
See those trees? Chop them 9342390829048294823908 times.
Now, make 34908234908234908290234890 items from each. Sell them.
That's really all it is.
Sounds like fun! ;p
I've always believed in "do what is fun above making money". But of course try to find things that are fun that you STILL make money while doing ;p
I usually win pvp duels in the open duel pits for cash, that's a good and fun way if you're good at pvp. Other fun ways to gather cash and still have fun to me is: ganking people for gear and selling it, having "tourney gear duels" against people, or looting somebodys house ;p (but I'd probably feel bad if I looted somebodys house so I choose not to). I guess "hunting monsters for cash" could be fun if you like to do that, I for one do not ;p
The only time I really need cash is when I have to macro my skills, I've never cared much for castles or any such things. I usually have friends who would invite me to their castles instead, but it's not necissary to me at all, I could just as well just live in a 1 roomer and be just as happy (as long as I can't be housekilled in it).
Anyways that's how I feel about all that ^^
- Ztoke