12-05-2007, 11:22 PM
It's already been said that the pvp is not going to involve armour so its basically set at 2 groups of players. PvP and PvM. PvP'ers wont contribute to the economy other than taking items from people meaning the killed players are needing new items. The PvM'ers will be finding items to replace anything they lose and gathering to train so they will be contributing to the economy amongst themselves. And because of the cash coming in from hunting basically theres going to be a steady increase in prices on certain raw materials and a 0 market for everything else except collectables. Making the 2 groups interract is the only way. But it wont be happening as has been said by Devs etc. since the start. So the best thing to do is do your own thing and have fun in your own way. Personally I'm just gonna craft like mad and gather like mad to decorate my new pad =]. Maybe go crawl some dungeons if I get bored.