11-21-2007, 05:17 PM
Shadok Wrote:Uhh what a nice expected reaction on that post.
Heck i give a shit if peopel kills some ones horse or a rare stang. your fault when riding it. But i have never and will never seen any fun in killin a new players packmules, that he have bought with what little gold he have just so he can go mining in a remote spot for him self. Call me a goodi little tochie or what ever, but killing a new players pack mule ain't gonna do anyone any good, except in worst case chase a new player away from a great shard. And no there should not be any rules about it, it's a free world and some miners really are idiots a deserve it .
He has a point. When I used to PK on other servers, i did not always give stuff back or res the victim, however I never griefed them as some of you are describing. Even though it is only a game, there is no real reason to push someone off of a server through your actions. To some, having items ingame, is just as real and as important as having items irl. Yeah it might be childish or otherwise, but it's a fact of life. Not everyone is that same.