11-18-2007, 04:29 AM
Things that will be sold at the Delucia Castle. (note: resources WILL NOT be sold during a duel, persistant asking will result in you being disqualified, as it may lag and disrupt the players. Items will how ever be sold inbetween duels and before the tournament. I will place vendors there with a few items and stock them throughout the tournament so less communication will be made, thus less lag for the duelers. thanks again)
bag of 50 mana potions: $6k
bag of 100 mana potions: $10k
bag of 50 greater heal potions: $4.5k
bag of 100 greater heal potions: $8.5k
50 XUO/NOS FS scrolls: $10k
100 XUO/NOS FS scrolls: $15k
50 Greater Heal scrolls: $5.5k
100 Greater Heal scrolls: $10.5k
50 Lightning Scrolls: $5.3k
100 Lightning Scrolls: $10k
50 Magic Reflect Scrolls: $6.5k
100 Magic Reflect Scrolls: $11.5k
Armours (Full Sets Without Shields):
Verite: $2k
Shadow: $1.8k
Silver: $1.9k
Old Copper: $1.8k
An economical genuis i tell u, u are sir!
Hosting own tournement, and also selling the materials required to participate in it! thumbs up 2 u.
no sarcasm!
Things that will be sold at the Delucia Castle. (note: resources WILL NOT be sold during a duel, persistant asking will result in you being disqualified, as it may lag and disrupt the players. Items will how ever be sold inbetween duels and before the tournament. I will place vendors there with a few items and stock them throughout the tournament so less communication will be made, thus less lag for the duelers. thanks again)
bag of 50 mana potions: $6k
bag of 100 mana potions: $10k
bag of 50 greater heal potions: $4.5k
bag of 100 greater heal potions: $8.5k
50 XUO/NOS FS scrolls: $10k
100 XUO/NOS FS scrolls: $15k
50 Greater Heal scrolls: $5.5k
100 Greater Heal scrolls: $10.5k
50 Lightning Scrolls: $5.3k
100 Lightning Scrolls: $10k
50 Magic Reflect Scrolls: $6.5k
100 Magic Reflect Scrolls: $11.5k
Armours (Full Sets Without Shields):
Verite: $2k
Shadow: $1.8k
Silver: $1.9k
Old Copper: $1.8k
An economical genuis i tell u, u are sir!
Hosting own tournement, and also selling the materials required to participate in it! thumbs up 2 u.
no sarcasm!