11-17-2007, 04:02 AM
ppl think to seem that there 2 good and wont die , everyone is actin like if they gank there never gona die... ppl are actin like they gona wana gank for like 30 mins , wen everyone has there skills there just gona wana gank so like 1-3 hours dependin on person , now there makin it seem they wont die . ppl from xuo think there far better then everyone but on xuo wen ppl ganked i rember everyone use to die a good amount of time some ppl use to kill more than they died but everyone died a lot wen they ganked
dat bein said ur gona gank with like 3-5 ppl since there like 200 ppl on so theres gona b a good like 40 ppl on ocoolo so now wen some1 dies the loot isnt gona go to one person everone is gona loot , so ur gona get like 1 peice or armor wen u die ur loosin ur whole set mostlicky so everyone needs to stop actin like there never gona die andj ust loot i bet after a while its gona b real anoyin to ppl unles they have crafter friends
dat bein said ur gona gank with like 3-5 ppl since there like 200 ppl on so theres gona b a good like 40 ppl on ocoolo so now wen some1 dies the loot isnt gona go to one person everone is gona loot , so ur gona get like 1 peice or armor wen u die ur loosin ur whole set mostlicky so everyone needs to stop actin like there never gona die andj ust loot i bet after a while its gona b real anoyin to ppl unles they have crafter friends