11-05-2007, 06:32 PM
Horacio Wrote:If you don't want to be part of this particular community (couponfork), then dont be part of this topic.
Thank you
See, that's the wrong attitude to have. How about if you don't like getting made fun of or verbally attacked in normal, populated areas for RPing you ignore them and go on with your business (or report them) and jumping at the chance to isolate yourself from them, or make it difficult for them to be around you.
I know you didn't say or want that personally, but others have and the attitude you displayed in your comment left me to respond. You can't exclude his comments because some are actually valid. He doesn't want any players taken away or isolated from his gaming experience.
This "if you don't like it, you can go home" attitude really pisses me off. We're supposed to be a unified shard and people are aching at a chance to isolate themselves. Now, now. A RP based area only.
We all know what that will eventually lead to. Everyone who RPs feels more comfortable there, therefore you stay there aside from hunting. This is basically what killed old OSI.