10-15-2007, 05:56 PM
Horacio Wrote:Soooo you have time to make money but not macro? its called be afk while ur doing work/school. If anything i think it requires less time (of you physically being there) to macro than to earn money.
Some people can't keep their computer online during nights because - believe it or not - they do not have "sticky prices" each money, so it'll cost them an fortune to keep the computer online every night. These people can't macro during nights due to that, and a solution to their problem could be the "hunt for cash then buy skills for the money", that way they won't have to stand AFK all the time that they get to play during the day. My "blue gold-theory" would fix the issue where guilds give their guildmembers cash to gain all skills in notime, with the blue gold they'd have to hunt for it themselves.
Anyways to me it doesn't really matter, I am able to macro during nights and everything, but I'm trying to think about these people who can't, because really - they shouldn't have to feel that "since I can't macro during nights IN-X isn't for me". IN-X should be for everybody! :]