08-13-2007, 10:13 AM
Kal Vas Flam, Por Ort Grav.
It's not an attempt at realism, but an attempt to make more skills usable and more types of items worthy to wear. An accurate leather suit would not ruin PvP in anyway, thats a fact according to me. That being said, I see no reason to leave something that will enhance PvPvPvP (ganking...) unimplemented. Not only would it enhance ganking, but two more skills and the actual action of fletching.
It's not an attempt at realism, but an attempt to make more skills usable and more types of items worthy to wear. An accurate leather suit would not ruin PvP in anyway, thats a fact according to me. That being said, I see no reason to leave something that will enhance PvPvPvP (ganking...) unimplemented. Not only would it enhance ganking, but two more skills and the actual action of fletching.