08-10-2007, 05:27 AM
Pande Wrote:you guys gotta keep in mind, XUO was all about being the best PvPer and richest guy on the shard. nobody tried to be mr nice guy. i've seen people fight 1v3 because they knew the 3 would run away and then that 1 guy could humiliate the others infront of the whole shard and they wouldn't be able to say anything.
xuo players have a very different mindset then inr players. don't expect everyone to think the same way as you the first day the shard opens. you have to face the fact that everyone won't act how you are used to. maybe in time it won't be as seperated, and it will be bearable (sp??)
I've realized that they're two completley different kind of communities just from casually browsing the forums and I'm not trying to stomp around and force everyone to act how I want them to act. All I'm saying is that rather than having to result to GM intervention the players should always have the freedom to control their own fate on the shard (within reasonable limits).
Like I said before my Inn deffintley was not always a peaceful place and was during some time periods subject to constant raids by certian individuals and groups. Did it drive down business and sometimes force the more peaceful types to go somewhere else? Sure. Did I go off and try to get it GM regulated though? No. Some people feel the best time for my place was when the safe zone was in place, I always felt the most fun times were when it wasn't there. Most people (even ones that don't always PvP) enjoy the way UO constantly keeps you alert and looking over your shoulder, if they didn't they'd go play WoW or somthing along those lines. Safe zones and GM placed rules of no fighting because we say so takes away that feeling and pushes the game away from what is usually a controled chaotic state to a more "family friendly" enviroment.