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When will server be up?

Let's see 7.04 when Taran posted, how long it will be for a 'soon' opening ? Wink

*sarcasm* :icon_twisted:

GIVE IT A BREAK !! It will be up when it will be, it's not like there's 200 people waiting for it to open anymore ...

a slow descent into madness....................................

[Image: frank_frazetta_thesilverwarrior1.jpg]
CRY HAVOC!!! and let slip the DOGS OF WAR!!

You said the following...

-What still needs to be done before Beta 3
-Fix the rest of the bugs on the buglist
-Transfer accounts and characters from IN:R and XUO
-Transfer generic items from IN:R
-Check for economic flaws such as loots, sell rates etc

Ok i will post in one months time and see what out of these have been fixed.


Two of the things you have mentioned on your list Druid are in the process of being done as we speak. The remaining two will not be far away and some progress has already been made upon them the last time I checked which was only some days ago. As Coldrake stated the shard as it is now is in a playable state, we only wish to ensure that there is nothing at launch that will compromise the shard at a later time. Things such as the quest givers will not be placed in the beginning they will be something that will be added later, however on that issue I am getting them set up personally and I am making progress with that so it will not be long after launch.

I also wish to add that there has been alot of things added to the shard which may surprise you. I have tried my hand at scripting and have added many new scripts and small features to the shard that I am sure both the IN and XUO community will enjoy and while some of these features may not be from the sphere shard era, they should breathe a little bit of new life into an old game.

For the time factor involved, we do not wish to give a release date for the shard because simply for the reason such as in real life sometimes things happen that we cannot control and cannot avoid so we therefore do not wish to tell you it will be released on a certain date and not live upto that. I will say that it may not be as far off as you all may think.

Druid_black Wrote:Ok i will post in one months time and see what out of these have been fixed.

negative attitudes such as this don't encourage us to work harder.

GM Pande

Pande Wrote:negative attitudes such as this don't encourage us to work harder.

To be honest I believe nothing on earth would make you work harder Wink

What you people fail to understand is that we have a communication disorder over here !!

The server will be up eventually, it will take some time eventually, It will also have a player base of so few in the start eventually that may come to grow in time if you all let the Dev's make their work trying to replicate a sphere server ... Or isn't this the goal anymore ? :confused:

Pande Wrote:negative attitudes such as this don't encourage us to work harder.

But getting paid does.

i wasn't suggesting that, i was suggesting giving some encouragement and thanks to those who have spent loads of time on this project

GM Pande

dont take that as an insult... i just said i'll post in a months time to see what has been fixed thats been listed

We should add; When will the server be up? to the FAQ questions lmao, since so people have been asking for about three months




GM Pande

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