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Temporary supplied PvP at the Britain Arena

Hi everyone,

In the interests of giving people something to do I've set up Britain Arena such that you can do free, supplied PvP with the "Loki" standard PvP kit. The audience area is a safe zone whilst the arena is set up this way. The only way in, however, is to walk there - I am not opening the event gates at banks. There will be no GM protection for people going to and from the arena so be careful.

Auto-res is enabled inside the arena so if you die in a duel you will automatically be ressed. Event gear will be removed in the event of your leaving the arena.

You will be free to come and go and use this facility as you please, I suggest using .c to organise dueling partners.

This will be a temporary facility. As some of you may remember we have in the past decided against this sort of thing, and I'm just a lowly GM being cheeky so if an admin objects the facility will be removed immediately, otherwise it will remain until I think it's time for it to go. The way I see it with the playerbase being a bit down and the number of tournaments low this might be a good way to help people have some fun and learn the PvP.

I think I've made it abuse-free but if someone finds a way to abuse it please let me know. Also bear in mind that the arenas do not restrict the number of people entering so you can do FFA or 2 vs 2 amongst yourself, but also less scrupulous players may also gank (although you will lose nothing, not even fame),

Anyway, I hope some players enjoy this and let me know if there are any problems. Also whilst you're at it type .vote and then also vote on the top 200, it'll get you 1000gp and er... eternal love or something Wink


i can just sense the mass excitement surrounding this :|

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