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Incoming PvP changes and PvP testing.

Well Sphere 51a was never a correct emulation of any OSI era, which is why so many things that were ubiquitous to OSI from a very early stage even pre-AoS (e.g. Precasting and skill caps) are absent. Nevertheless, it is a style that many people who played unofficial servers are in favour of.

id like to help with testing, send me a message in game, or a PM on here or something. Thank god for these changes finally =p fixing healing based on dex is a great idea.

Loki Wrote:Greater Heal spell and scrolls heal more. However, if the target is poisoned there is a penalty to the amount of hits healed.

Greater heal scroll mana cost has been reduced slightly.

So you made greater heal even more overpowered?

Not trying to start a flame war here but i think it was pretty overpowered as it was...

Thenu Wrote:So you made greater heal even more overpowered?

Not trying to start a flame war here but i think it was pretty overpowered as it was...
do you know how to read?

Thenu Wrote:So you made greater heal even more overpowered?

Not trying to start a flame war here but i think it was pretty overpowered as it was...

It's okay to be concerned. GH will heal a little more, but the increase is comparatively low compared to the increase in damage for FS, lightning and other damage spells. Also with weapons potentially swinging faster (high Dex) in general it is easier to kill and harder to survive on the test server right now. Also, when poisoned GH performs worse than it performs currently on live.

The "easyness" of spamming GH to live on the live server is something I am well aware of and have tried to tackle by making healing more complex and the margin for error smaller. GH will of course still remain one of the primary healing methods though.

Awesome, can you make change to the economy also to reduce the amount of weapons and money that drop? It's too easy to get rich!

Eclipse Wrote:Awesome, can you make change to the economy also to reduce the amount of weapons and money that drop? It's too easy to get rich!

how many gold and useful vanqs(not silver) do you have?

por corp wis Wrote:how many gold and useful vanqs(not silver) do you have?

I meant reduce all the amount of dropped weapons so that it becomes even good to find a +5 you know. Cause now +3 +5 have absolutely no value at all.

Back in the days I remember when I found a hammer of force I was like "wowowo" and I would fight with that hammer all the time.

I got plenty of unused weapons in bank now. What's the point?

Anyway, about money I had a million or more but I spent it in the casino. By the way I doubt it's really a good idea to have gambling stones, what's the point of giving someone 6 million gold one shot? That person won't know what to do with it and it will imbalance the economy even more.

Plus once you have so many tubs you don't even dye your cloths anymore what's the point you know?

I remember when I had just enough money to buy one tub and i was like "omg im so cool with that tub" and people would ask to dye there cloths.

Anyway that's my point.

Everyone owns a static now too cause they're not expensive enough for the economy.

Rather not turn this thread into a discussion of economic changes. If these PvP changes go global there will be associated economic changes, e.g. resource for pots that have been nerfed or buffed and so on... but I don't really want to enter in to that until after testing is complete.

When are the pvp changes going to be introduced on the shard?

The changes will be applied in the form of an extensive testing area on the live server tonight.

Updated changes:

- Weapon damage changes will not be included in the region controlled testing for scripting reasons. They are minor though, just bear in mind that spears and axes will not be doing their additional ~+10% damage.

- The way mana adjustments work by region is buggy, the spell checks against its global value to decide if it can be cast, even if there is a new higher or lower value. If you notice this bug do not worry, if the changes go global it will not exist. I am sorry but there isn't a nice (non-pain in the ass) way around this particular bug during the testing period. Please report any other bugs though!

- Lightning and Harm have been swapped. Harm does high damage on a slow cast, lightning does moderately high damage on a very fast cast (exactly like a lightning scroll, only you don't need the scroll any more!).

- In the testing area the following scrolls serve no purpose (in other words they are exactly the same as the book spell): Heal, Harm, Mind Blast, Lightning, Fireball. If the changes go global this will also apply globally.

Also to reassure people, these are issues I am thinking about and will hopefully address in a future (smaller) patch (as always, only if Taran approves!):

- Buffs for Archery if it is still useless after the existing changes.

- Improving hits in general, either with region control limiter for duels and tournies, or some sort of Stamina-dependent system. This is very sketchy, don't start arguing about it, I haven't had time to think about it yet.

- Might make wall of stone 5 tiles long instead of 7 to stop/reduce the whole tetris wars thing. 5 seems like it would still serve its primary function pretty well.

- Area damage (such as explosion or firefield) revealing hidden/invis people.

Finally some notes about the probable test area (exactly location not yet decided, will broadcast and post it later):

- The area will be no loot, no cut and no skill gain. Also NPCs will not be killable (mounts).

- You'll have to use your own gear. But the no loot means you have to be honest with yourself, the testing will be what you make of it, if you try to run around in the testing area with Sapphire plate and an SDK you aren't really testing things for yourself, for me, or helping anyone else either.

- The idea is emulate a real world PvP area so it will be something of a free for all, there may be dueling, ganking, group fights, anything really. I'm interested in feedback in all those things.

- I cannot state this firmly enough: This is a real world PvP patch, not a dueling patch, dueling may be slightly messed up after this, I am ok with that because I can fix it by region control. In other words I am not interested in what affect this has in 5 x 5 box dueling, I don't expect 5 x 5 dueling to be perfect with these changes and I am not going to adjust things (globally) for the sake of 5 x 5 dueling.

- If Taran allows I may also apply these new rules to the DM for a while so that there is also some "standardised gear" testing going on.

The same rules apply to the testing areas as anywhere else, exploiting bugs for personal benefit, griefing and harassment are all prohibited. I expect to see good testing, good PvP, but not bullshit like res killing and jackassery. However, ganking is allowed and in fact needs to be tested. I hope people may cooperate to test things a little bit, but at the end of the day I do want to see a bit of the real dog-eat-dog environment that is UO. Anyone seeking to actively derail testing will end up keeping Big Bubba company for a long time, because I'm vengeful like that.

That's all I can think of for now. If any testers have any further things they wish to feedback before the server restart time is running short, if I hear nothing more I'll assume things are looking OK for now.

what time are these changes being added?

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