Go East at Bri bank and you will find a blue shop right next to the tailoring shop!
Luther has your needs and funs:
Armor Sets: Such as Bone armor, black bone, leather, barbed/spined/horned, studded leather/barbed/spined/horned/ and soon to be platemail.
Armor: Invulnerability; fort armor Cheap price
Weps: Silver & Regular Power/Vanq wepons CHEAP PRICE
Wands and Misc Items
Scrolls & Tons of Pots (gmana, invis, greater heal, deadly poision, greater explosive, shrink)
Tamed Animals: Horses are misc animals. Nightmares and colors are coming soon.
and the most famous
Cloth: This is under contruction right now, but what is available is available. Tons of various color cloths (all that can be made) will be available. Prices went a little up as those who knew the regular prices. Please check out the colors. I can thank prototypes for the extra help
