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So no fizzle pvp..

Overdose Wrote:Why aren't they a target group? These days everyone is in target group. UO'ers are disappearing... I know that there's a lot of people that got to this game because of the PvP. People that are really nostalgic about PvP on their favorite server, and maybe even closeminded regarding this question then yeah, these would have problems in adapting, altho like Taran said - many players with less hostility towards something they never really tried out might find this PvP fun within sometime, even though they first logged in just to duel few times on their old system...

I understand the frustration, you've returned the UO and you get to play another game instead. As UO Servers differ too much in gameplay from one to another... But some people that have open mind might actually like this PvP later as well.

While i prefer fizzle pvp , i think ill accept non-fizzle pvp too.
And from what i can tell is that you guys tend to accuse Fizzler pvp of close-mindedness , but what if its the other way around and those players just feel that a certain uo-defining component of uo is missing?
There are reasons games stick to a certain kind of 'better' main rulesets.
But yeah , 'better' even in this matter can be subjective.

But lets look on the current pvp without any comparison to fizzle.
1:There are no ways for ' pure dexxers ' to be valid in pvp , armors give no resisting bonus / give no penelaty on mediation (mana penelaty would be nice) , you cant interrupt mages with melee attack.... sorry there is fizzle again , but i think fizzle just on melee and archers would have an impact on pvp another way.
Dont get me wrong , balancing mages/tankmages/dexxers is hard , but different playstyles would enrich this shard pvp so much.

2:Some items have too much of an impact on pvp , namely scrolls and pots ....
Yes getting a little edge cause of supplies is nice , but i mean i dont have to tell that to be somewhat successful in pvp you have to get some Fs scrolls and heal and manapots.
There is even no reason to get anything else than fs scrolls , they have the edge on everything exept a little damage , why would you cast normal fs if you could use a scroll?
I see the problem with inscription and the no-skill cap , making scrolls inferior to normal casts (which they should be) would make inscription useless , i say just give it another purpose !
Maybe the possibility to make custom spells which are scroll only and usable mostly in pve ? or even minorly in pvp like making reactive armor only possible via scroll?

Manapots give way too much mana back and the cd is still too low , well , maybe its just the combination with scrolls , fixing the scroll issue may fix the pot issue.

3: Useless equiment is also a problem imho , getting many stong magic weapons is way too easy and the use is too unsignificant .
Why are weapons so unsignificant? Because everyone can get high ar easy without any penelaty on spells , making even powerful weapons medicore.

4: Heals , magic heal is too strong and fast , thats all im saying , prolonging fights more than they have to.
While normal healing is too unpredictable and luck based , why not giving a bonus to healing to a certain amount of base dex and hp?

I know , all subjective , and while i think that fixing all points is no likely , i dont take it too serious when someone tells me the pvp is alright with all these flaws combined.
I like mostly everything else about this shard.
But many new players leave the shard because of reasons like these (i keep hearing it) .
Fizzle pvp is not an absolute rule , but you WILL keep loosing players while getting less to join if you dont make some drastic changes on the current system.

TL DR: Disregarding fizzle , the pvp is lacking.

And sorry for the bad english , writing so much not in your first language is kinda hard Tongue.

Tinkabelle Wrote:We did give it a shot.. But I dont like any part of this pvp style. IF you kill someone (after he ate 10-15 FS) he gets insta-ressed, then your out of mana and cant do shit. Plus, we just started on this server, the outfit you need to pvp here (pots, scrolls) costs like 6k at least everytime you want to go out. With a fizzle pvp system it would be possible to kill a guy who would be fully equiped and max skilled with 50 magery, no pots and just leather armor because of SKILL. Here I just see everybody spamming flamestrike or gheal, nobody even knows anything about LOS which is what makes the UO pvp legendary.
By the way Im talking about the world pvp, not the arenas, I could understand that could be a little fun but I found the fact that you need 4x4 tiled arenas to get someone killed 1v1 quite disturbing.
Anyhow, I like how GMs listen to the players here and made these fizzle arenas possible, I had loads of fun in them just like the old times. But if you want to attract fizzle pvpers then this is probably not what they're looking for, you give them a little glimpse of what could be (which is awesome!) and then take it away. I guess I'll just log in when the arenas are open cause everytime I go to a pvp area I just see groups of people who cant be killed, I seriously dont understand what is enjoyable right now.

this is what im talking about you obviously havnt really trying our pvp cause you dont know wtf is going on...i dont understand how people say you dont use LOS...maybe in tours only but EVERYWHERE else you do...have you played a Deathmatch? dont use los you die...i dont get how fizzle takes "skills" hard is it to cast a spell faster than someone else...its not that hard specially when you lose no mana from fizzle!..yes ive tried the fizzle pvp many times...ive tried it here and ive tried other shards and to be honest its way to easy..this pvp is so much harder to get good at......and everyone says you just spam Greater heal...when if fact alot of our pvp is based on weather or not you decide to use a scroll or a normal spell...thats the difference in being good or bad..have to know the system well enough..instead of just saying ahhh Fizzle is so much more fun because it easy..Play a good pvper and see how well you survive

Azuru....Honestly its not hard AT all to get scrolls...seriously you MAKE money by macroing inscribe and people still complain about having to buy something....and to anwser you question about useing normal spell instead of happens ALOT Fs without scroll does a quite a big more damage than scroll FS....same with GH scroll..use ALOT more mana and if you just spam gh scroll you die..

but i do agree with a few things you said making weapons fizzle spells would be great.. specially for world pvp people might actually use weapons instead of fs gank all the time

and just to let you all know that staff is CONSTANTLY working on the who knows hows the pvp is going to turn out...i def think there needs to be some kind of mix of both but full fizzle is just lame

I hate to say it but I see exactly what these guys are talking about... There are indeed flaws with the PvP and it does get pretty stale... World PvP isn't even really fun because once you cast 3 fs scrolls, you might as well stop casting if you want to have enough mana to heal/reflect yourself or a friend. At that point you are just running around waiting for the opportunity to drink another mana pot. Can't meditate, can't do damage with weapons, can't do anything but run around and spam your mana pot macro. It's no secret either, go out to a fight. All you will hear is people desperately trying to sip total mana potions. It's lame... Open world fights last about 2 minutes until one team is dead/recall. It takes more time to suit up than it does to win/lose a decent sized fight.

Mael Wrote:..i def think there needs to be some kind of mix of both but full fizzle is just lame
Just what i think , a nice compromise would be good.
How about just what i said in my post , just giving melee/archer the ability to fizzle spells ?

Just fix these things and Pvp will be perfect.

Weapon damage
Shield damage absorb
3 consecutive hit max without disarming
FS should do 46 damage and use more mana
IN scrolls should be implemented which are a mimic of FS scrolls but drain life instead of mana (creates counters in PVp)
Poison is wack / too strong
Shouldn't be able to paralyze in duels.
Auto-lock all players to 100 Str/dex/stam

If these things get fixed. I can assure you guys 100% that the PVP will be ridiculous and fast paced. Just need to fix it sooner rather than later because Diablo 3 is coming out. I'm not trying to be an ******* but I know that several players are already talking about it. Let's try and fix these things before the release of diablo.


Mael Wrote:i dont get how fizzle takes "skills" hard is it to cast a spell faster than someone else.

Isn't that EXACTLY what the PvP here is like? Trying to dump spells faster than your opponent can heal? Add in melee damage (complete luck) and you have IN's PvP. The only skill I see involved is knowing when to use a scroll, and when to use a regular spell and paying attention to how much mana your opponent has spent. This PvP is more about mathematics and fizzle PvP is more about instinct.

Come to the fizzle arena, I'll show you why it takes skill. You won't land a single "faster spell" on me. Hell, its likely that you wont land a single spell on me period.

Once again someone that knows absolutely nothing about fizzle PvPing is trying to define it. I don't care if you "tried it". You must have completely sucked at it if you still think all you had to do was cast spells faster than your opponent. Fizzle PvP has very little to do with casting spells faster than your opponent.

Scare crow Wrote:Just fix these things and Pvp will be perfect.

Weapon damage
Shield damage absorb
3 consecutive hit max without disarming
FS should do 46 damage and use more mana
IN scrolls should be implemented which are a mimic of FS scrolls but drain life instead of mana (creates counters in PVp)
Poison is wack / too strong
Shouldn't be able to paralyze in duels.
Auto-lock all players to 100 Str/dex/stam

If these things get fixed. I can assure you guys 100% that the PVP will be ridiculous and fast paced. Just need to fix it sooner rather than later because Diablo 3 is coming out. I'm not trying to be an ******* but I know that several players are already talking about it. Let's try and fix these things before the release of diablo.


If fs does more damage heal will also need to heal more, imagine in ganks 2 fs light = dead heal wouldn't do much :p

Azuru Wrote:Just what i think , a nice compromise would be good.
How about just what i said in my post , just giving melee/archer the ability to fizzle spells ?

I tried suggesting that a couple weeks ago and got jumped all over and told how stupid I was being Smile

Mael Wrote:how hard is it to cast a spell faster than someone else...its not that hard specially when you lose no mana from fizzle!..

This is exactly why people would focus more on LOS, you wouldn't last 15 seconds if you would only try to fizzle my spells and not LOS yourself. It's the Line of Sight system which makes the pvp in this 2D game so amazing, making spells unfizzable makes lossing a lesser priority. This pvp is mainly focussed on mana management as you clearly explained, if there is a way to get it back focussed on LOS I'd gladly play it.

Quote:I hate to say it but I see exactly what these guys are talking about... There are indeed flaws with the PvP and it does get pretty stale... World PvP isn't even really fun because once you cast 3 fs scrolls, you might as well stop casting if you want to have enough mana to heal/reflect yourself or a friend. At that point you are just running around waiting for the opportunity to drink another mana pot. Can't meditate, can't do damage with weapons, can't do anything but run around and spam your mana pot macro. It's no secret either, go out to a fight. All you will hear is people desperately trying to sip total mana potions. It's lame... Open world fights last about 2 minutes until one team is dead/recall. It takes more time to suit up than it does to win/lose a decent sized fight.


sm0ke Wrote:If fs does more damage heal will also need to heal more, imagine in ganks 2 fs light = dead heal wouldn't do much :p

True. Forgot that one Smile.

Lags Wrote:Isn't that EXACTLY what the PvP here is like? Trying to dump spells faster than your opponent can heal? Add in melee damage (complete luck) and you have IN's PvP. The only skill I see involved is knowing when to use a scroll, and when to use a regular spell and paying attention to how much mana your opponent has spent. This PvP is more about mathematics and fizzle PvP is more about instinct.

Come to the fizzle arena, I'll show you why it takes skill. You won't land a single "faster spell" on me. Hell, its likely that you wont land a single spell on me period.

Once again someone that knows absolutely nothing about fizzle PvPing is trying to define it. I don't care if you "tried it". You must have completely sucked at it if you still think all you had to do was cast spells faster than your opponent. Fizzle PvP has very little to do with casting spells faster than your opponent.

pretty sure i talked about LOS...but i know los is a big part of it but it does take some skill but honestly not much...i do los all the time in this pvp...and the reason why im not a huge fan of LOS being a huge part pvp is cause its basicly how good your Connection is..and in my case isnt that great

Tinkabelle Wrote:This is exactly why people would focus more on LOS, you wouldn't last 15 seconds if you would only try to fizzle my spells and not LOS yourself. It's the Line of Sight system which makes the pvp in this 2D game so amazing, making spells unfizzable makes lossing a lesser priority. This pvp is mainly focussed on mana management as you clearly explained, if there is a way to get it back focussed on LOS I'd gladly play it.

Uhm, LOS does fizzle spells here?

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