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Xuo pvp? spamming.

Fallzone Wrote:Maybe your right but if everyone really knows the pvp out and in its time to change it.
Thats what makes pvp fun, constant changes, new ways to kill, relearn damages etc
But i might be alone on this one, but changes are good

Not to be a buzz killer or anything, but that takes about 1-2 days to get that down for a PvPer experienced in other "systems". When I start a new server, I always start by asking ppl how the PvP is and lern the basics by watching. When i understand the basics, I get down to the #. When I have the # and the basics I start doing the math to develop my own PvP style and to make sure that what I've been though is proper. When I got that down it takes about 5 days to act instinctively. Lerning # is seriously almost no part of PvP. Knowing how these numbers work, and knowing what your opponent thinks, has always been the exciting part for me. It shouldn't be about waiting for the right moment, it should be about knowing create it.

Yet again, just my personal opinionTongue Figured I might as well give itTongue

i agree with whatever maka wrote :lol:

the spamming shit is totaly out of control

Lederoil Wrote:Deniro wrote; "we could have like an event thing jsut for fun"

Hate, did you miss that part or what? if you did, how is it possible it was in the first sentence?

I think your comment was pretty much sarcastic.

And just cause it was decied when we merdged that we will use the XUO pvp system, does not mean that some parts of it, big or small can be changed. Thats the thing about making threads and so on in the forums, so that people can see your ideas and opinions, so that the threadmaker can get players on his side, so that the Staff can see that there's people who agree with that idea/opinion, and so on.

I guess it might sound strange, but yes I did miss that sentence.

It would not bother me much if we had an event that used that system if players would want it, as long as it doesn't interfear with the PvP system we've developed and balanced over so many years.

I care a lot about what players think, a shard would never run succesfully if the admins/gms didn't listen to the players. However since I understod it as if he wanted us to change the PvP system, which is one of the things we are very strict on NOT changing, then I figured I could explain why that would be an bad idea, and say that it would suit better at some other shard.

However as an EVENT I don't mind it being used if players would want it, so keep talking about it if you want to.

Events can be made in a lot of different ways. What's good about events is that if players do not like them then it's easy to remove them, and if they like it then it's easy to keep them. Therefor I do not mind this sound system being used as an event for as long as majority of the players would want it. However I have a feeling that it will be very messed up, but that's just my personal opinion after PvPing over a lot of years.

Sorry if I upset you (or anybody else) by missing that first sentence in DeNiros post. =/


Fallzone Wrote:Maybe your right but if everyone really knows the pvp out and in its time to change it.
Thats what makes pvp fun, constant changes, new ways to kill, relearn damages etc
But i might be alone on this one, but changes are good

Well first off, now only 30% of IN:X will know the PvP "in and out", since we're getting loads of new players.

Second off - once we've balanced a PvP style and made it very special I tend to want to keep it that way.

Third off - If we'd remove the spam we wouldn't be changing it for the better, but instead we'd be changing it to a really slow PvP, because even now duels can last for a while, and without spam it would almost ALWAYS result in naked 1x1 box duels after long ass fights.

The only reason to why real Novus was fun even tho most people didn't use spam for the most time of it, was because most people there didn't realize they could be using both gheal pots and gheal scrolls. Most of them didn't use either of them in a matter of fact. If people at real novus would play the way the XUO players do now, duels would always have lasted 2+ hours unless people went to naked 1x1 box and got melee'd or ran out of mana.

The XUO PvP is very balanced and good. It is created in a way so that it is fun WHILE using spam. If people wouldn't be using spams it would be like I said above, as if people would IRL (while fighting) give the opponent a warning before hitting them, every time. It's just not as fun. Try it out for a few weeks with spams (not unlimited spam but the 10 powerwords / 4 sec or whatever maka decided to add), and you'll see how fun it is.

Tricking somebody by pretending to cast a heal, but instead casting a magic reflect scroll on yourself for example, is so much fun. Then counter-attacking the person who just got hit by his own FS, and killing his ass, also very fun.

Another thing that's fun about spam is that you can counter-attack in the middle of a dump from another player, without them actually realizing it, so they always have to keep their eyes open and be prepared to switch from FS to heal, in case they were stupid and wasted too much mana / life on FS, and didn't calculate the attack right.

It's not hard to survive dumps even when the players doing it is uses a spam, all you need to do is learn what HP you have to heal on, and always think "if he'd be FSing now, would I die? or do I have a good healing strategy to heal up from it, and most likely have more mana than him left after it, since FS takes way more mana than normal gheal spell".

Anyways spam switches "boring slow pvp where you know every move the opponent makes" to something that is fun, exciting, and challenging. It also makes u have to be allert 100% of the time, because you never know what might happen. It's so much more fun, and it's what players need to spice PvP up after all these years of playing "normal" sphere PvP without spam.

Anyways I'm sorry if I may sound a bit "upset", I'm not really, I'm just trying to explain in as many words as I can why spam is a good thing, but the best thing you and everybody else can do is to TRY it, and see for yourself, not after 1 day, but after you've LEARNED how to use it, and that could take 1-2 weeks, maybe more, but when you do I have a feeling you wouldn't want to go back to no spam.

Thanks for listening.


Quote:Anyways I'm sorry if I may sound a bit "upset", I'm not really, I'm just trying to explain in as many words as I can why spam is a good thing

LOL, Ztoke.
As many words? I would call this post short. Since we know how your posts got presented mostly!Wink

Blackfog Wrote:LOL, Ztoke.
As many words? I would call this post short. Since we know how your posts got presented mostly!Wink

Well you have a point Wink

Those scenarios that ztoke explained are often used by me. You can't belive the satisfaction when you kill a guy when you are at 2 HP while he though he would get you for sure, he just didn't know that you were flaming while he was flaming you. Reflect thing is is another standard. There are just so many more moves that are based on the fake powerwords, removing them would remove these moves. Without these moves the IN:X PvP wont be speciall and exciting, might as well script a bot that would win you the tours.

Anyone remember early xuo pvp? where weapons did heavy dmg that would probably take care of the long duels Big Grin
hehe i just think changes are good thing, i mean if pvp doesnt change sometime it will get boring.

Maka sure, you can learn a pvp style within a few days but to master it is abit different.
But its true that it doesnt take long to learn new pvp styles except OSI pvp :p its pretty hard to learn if you have played on sphere from the beginning :p

I won a few tours on metro(OSI 99) after about a week. On defiance(UO:R?) I had about 70%(~100 duels) wins in their duel system after a week, doesn't take that long:p I also descovered how huch "class" system blows in PvP, hally mage FTW.

There is a reason to why I just stayed a week on those shards, PvP blew and was to easyBig Grin

Magus i come up with an idea what we could do as an event, you nor anyone else tried it but you think it sounds stupid? if you had anything inside you head you would try it out first and then you could flame it if it was that stupid, and then i expect you to explain whats stupid with it. it would be a game where people have to react very fast. sounds fun to me.
how about you come up with a better idea?


I started pvping with the XUO style for the first time yesterday. After watching you realize how fast paced it is. Duels usually end quickly, I'm guessing not everyone I watched knew how to heal properly though. On IN1 it took three years for everyone to start carrying scrolls as a standard. I must agree that I was a little annoyed by all the spam.

But after fighting for a few hours I realized that it is a necessary part. What clicked for me was when I realized how crucial timing is when you're healing out of a dump. Its easy if you're spamming GH scrolls. But then I was always out of mana and a sitting target after the dump. In order to survive with the GH spell (far less mana and more hp regained) your timing has to be really good. This is pretty easy to accomplish if you can see when your opponent is attacking. With spam you don't know if they are going to start a dump so sometimes you have to heal as a precaution so you don't get caught with your pants down. I'm still learning and I'm sure there are many other reasons for spam but I don't really mind it now that I'm used to it.

I think an important suggestion for maka though is if powerwords spoken with the [wop command can be filtered from the journal. IE your journal doesn't get spammed with powerwords. It's annoying when I miss what someone said and I can't scroll up my journal because two seconds later it's been pushed off the top. Perhaps the power word limit and the filter you spoke of would help but if this could be done It'd be wonderful. Thanks.

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