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Hue List update

Just recently I wanted to find out what a rare dye tub looked like so I went to the Hue List and uh oh. Where is it?! I couldn't find quite a few dye tub colours in there, just wondering if you know about this, because it's really annoying.
Dye tubs I couldn't find on Hue List:

There are a lot of hues that's not on the hue list on the website. I think you should be able to find all hues here though.

I recently optimized the shit out of that .7z file, btw. Smile Instead of full screenshots it's just the paperdoll and character. I also uploaded them to the /dump folder here for normal browsing:

Eru, could you maybe make it so we don't have to click on the link but can see them all at once?

Download the .7z file and it will let you view them all in a folder. Tongue I just open it up in a folder and set the icon to the largest size and it's easy to browse through. The main reason I haven't done it that way for the /dump page is because that's a ton of bandwidth every time the page is loaded.

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