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Xuo pvp? spamming.

Well i think fallzone its talking about "spam abuse" not about spam.
As i said before there its nothing bad about spaming when it actually helps u but there its no sense to spam all the duel

Kal Vas Flam
In Vas Mani
In Jux Sanct

over and over again thats just annoying and should be even forbidden if u think u win because of continue spaming then i think u have a problem =/

sometimes the spam is so brutal i get disconnected in middle of a fight. if the whole meaning of it is reaction and not to see what people cast, why not just hide all spellwords so you never see them at all, not even when you cast real spells, maybe just a sound instead and a character movement?? would be much more fun if you ask me. this spam is really annoying, i use it myself, seems to be only way to survive here. but i hate it.


Has been edited, re-read.

Cuase if you hide all powerwords faking a fs (just a Kal Vas Flam) spam would be pointless, you wouldn't be able to trick someone that you are casting. The idea with spam is to trick people, not just spam spells away. The massive spam, which is just seriously annoying and "skill less", will be restricted to a certain extend. PvP filter will filter about 3rds of the spam away from your screen, which means that you will run A LOT smoother, and adding the spam restrictions will make sure people don't abuse super spams. Here is a spam restriction example.

You can use 10 WOPs each 4 secs. If you do more WOPs than that they will be blocked. If you overexceed the 10WOPs /4sec limit 3 times in a period of 2 mins you will be blocked from using WOP for a minut. These are just example #, they would have to be balanced so that they do not interfer with people that use them in a non abusive way, but you guys get the idea. The amount of fake power words on the real server will massive decrease without affecting the XUO fake spell PvP. I'd say that the no point bullshit spam will decrease with 80-90% in a tourney, but you will still be able to fool your opponent tro drink that pot or use that scroll.

But seriously PvP is shit if you can't trick your opponent.

Hate Wrote:I think you've been away from the XUO pvp for far too long my friend. Perhaps not using spam vs players did work back in your days when you were active at XUO, but nowadays almost every player coming from XUO knows how to heal out of offensive attacks easily unless you trick them or hide the spam. They are used to being able to heal out of it even when being tricked most of the time, so when somebody is casting a spell and actually not spamming they'll be like "oh lol is this guy kidding me? it's like he'd be saying "ok now I will punch you, so get ready to block it", instead of just hitting him by surprise.

PvP without spam is really slow and boring at XUO pvp these days. Try it out with the spam for 2-3 weeks and you'll see why. Every XUO player whose any good and whose been playing lately will most likely agree. Duels will take ages and they will end by people fucking up, hitting wrong buttons etc, instead of they actually getting attacked and killed by a strong attack.

PvP is not simply about the people with best connections or reaction times, it's about reading your opponent. If you THINK he'll be casting a spell, do what u need to do to survive it. If both players use it it'll be loads of fun, if only one person however uses it the person who doesn't use it will find it to "suck", and the person who uses it will find it to be too easy to survive all attacks of the guy who isn't using it.

I hope I made some sense to all you people reading this, but trust me, I am right. Been playing this PvP since it was created, been one of the best PvPers on almost all XUO versions, and trust me, I know what I'm talking about.


Maybe your right but if everyone really knows the pvp out and in its time to change it.
Thats what makes pvp fun, constant changes, new ways to kill, relearn damages etc
But i might be alone on this one, but changes are good

The PvP that has been created is great cause you fight the opponent, it's almost always the creativity and intelligence of the players that decides who wins. I've been on A LOT of shards and tried out a lot of different PvP styles, what I just mentioned is seriously unique for XUO PvP.

i agree with fallzone.

had a crazy idea, we could have like an event thing jsut for fun, to see what people thinks of it. when you pvp in that arena, you cant use fake spellwords, and when you cast spells it doesnt say the spellword of that spell, instead people around can hear a sound, so each spell has its own sound, or all good spells have one sound, all offensive spells another, and neutral spels have one too. people would have to listen for sounds and character movements(the thing they do with their hands when a spell is cast)
like you would hear the FS sound and everyone around would run, not knowing who will get hit.. would be alot based on reaction.. and the best thing, no spamming words haha
what do you think?


DeNiro Wrote:i agree with fallzone.

had a crazy idea, we could have like an event thing jsut for fun, to see what people thinks of it. when you pvp in that arena, you cant use fake spellwords, and when you cast spells it doesnt say the spellword of that spell, instead people around can hear a sound, so each spell has its own sound, or all good spells have one sound, all offensive spells another, and neutral spels have one too. people would have to listen for sounds and character movements(the thing they do with their hands when a spell is cast)
like you would hear the FS sound and everyone around would run, not knowing who will get hit.. would be alot based on reaction.. and the best thing, no spamming words haha
what do you think?
Sounds stupid... Sorry but it does.

DeNiro Wrote:i agree with fallzone.

had a crazy idea, we could have like an event thing jsut for fun, to see what people thinks of it. when you pvp in that arena, you cant use fake spellwords, and when you cast spells it doesnt say the spellword of that spell, instead people around can hear a sound, so each spell has its own sound, or all good spells have one sound, all offensive spells another, and neutral spels have one too. people would have to listen for sounds and character movements(the thing they do with their hands when a spell is cast)
like you would hear the FS sound and everyone around would run, not knowing who will get hit.. would be alot based on reaction.. and the best thing, no spamming words haha
what do you think?

First off - I don't think you understod what Maka ment by "tricking your opponent with fakespells". Try the PvP out for a few weeks, with spam, and you'll see what he ment.

What you said could probably be used as a pvp style on some shard, but it would NOT be as fun, nor balanced, as what the XUO PvP is.

At XUO PvP with the PvP-filter enabled it will be close to impossible to do these long ass spams with no thinking involved, so you won't have to worry much about getting disconnected by a spam. However getting disconnected by a spam is just silly according to me. I've been pvping on XUO with a p2 300 computer, and I've never ever lost connection due to the spam. I'm not going to say that you're lieing though, but I'm pretty sure that after we've added the filter you won't be disconnecting because of that anymore anyways.

I know you just want to help the shard DeNiro, but you need to understand that we've been balancing this PvP for years, we wouldn't consider it balanced and good if it isn't. We do not need to change the PvP around to some whole new PvP with sounds and no spellwords at all or whatever, it will not make it better, it will make it worse, and really confusing. Ganking with your sound PvP would be close to impossible, think about all these offensive and defensive and neutral sounds at once from 50 ppl fighting at the same time, roflmao..

Anyways the XUO PvP is balanced, you'll see that in time. For now just accept the fact that this merge involves using XUOs pvp, the way it is, and we are not about to change it around to some whole new sound pvp anytime soon, even if you managed to balance it. Feel free to host your own server and use the sound pvp there though if you want to, perhaps you'll get some people to follow you into the new sound pvp thing, who knows Wink


I think he ment the sound thing in an event, not the PvP system as whole.

Deniro wrote; "we could have like an event thing jsut for fun"

Hate, did you miss that part or what? if you did, how is it possible it was in the first sentence?

I think your comment was pretty much sarcastic.

And just cause it was decied when we merdged that we will use the XUO pvp system, does not mean that some parts of it, big or small can be changed. Thats the thing about making threads and so on in the forums, so that people can see your ideas and opinions, so that the threadmaker can get players on his side, so that the Staff can see that there's people who agree with that idea/opinion, and so on.

Lederoil, not to be impolite, but I really have not plans at all to remove WOP. Like said earlier though, it will be restricted in such a way that malicious use will be disabled. I do totally agree with you though, I don't belive that you can run a successful shard without player input, but removing WOP will drasticlly change something we did agree on (I know that you haven't said that we should remove it, just speaking from a general point of viewBig Grin). Now, that doesn't mean that things we have agreed on can't change, not at all. Just means that this would ruin the whole PvP system, a PvP system that a lot of players love and I'm sure a lot of IN players will love.

Fallzone Wrote:Maybe your right but if everyone really knows the pvp out and in its time to change it.
Thats what makes pvp fun, constant changes, new ways to kill, relearn damages etc
But i might be alone on this one, but changes are good

your not alone but ive lost this battle back on tus and wont bother anymore

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