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Xuo pvp? spamming.

Hi, I was on the Beta sever testing out some functions for me and 4 friends to play. I happen to notice the pvp is very fun and balanced but i also noticed most duelers who are confident in they're skills super spam words of power non-stop. I might get flammed for this but i think it reduces the pvping here into a game of chance instead of a game of skill, becuase of not knowing what spell is coming and reacting to they're action. I know many of you guys will make fun of me for it and call me newb but many of the Imaginiation players and I talked and agreed that super spamming pvp is very lame. I think words of power are great but not when they are super spammed. I belive once every so often a word of power being used to trick the emeny is good but not when someone superspams to the point of me lagging and disconnecting. I want to know what the staff thinks about this and maybe reducing the super spam because Im confident that if the greatly talked about XUO pvp is merly just spamming, many players like me will quit.

* i really like the balanced pvp but the super spammin makes it a game of chance and not skill.

I think I remember that being considered "lame" on In1. Might have even been illegal, I can't really remember.

theres somthing maka is going to add to make the spam have a delay if you spam it too much so it will be fixed like on xuo but the whole idea for this spam is for faster reaction once you get use to it becomes fun Smile

I agree even though i come from xuo...
Its rediculous and totally annoying and unnecessary, i have been a top pvper on xuo a few years ago and sadly but true i have always ignored the spam.
I never used it in pvp since its pretty worthless cuz when your into the pvp you will know when the opponent will make a move.
Sure sometimes they start flaming/casting on you suddenly but that are times when you can completely heal out from the attack.

So id say remove it or heavely delay it

Yeah I cant say much on this topic since I haven't fought yet, and won't until its out of beta, but I have to agree... It does sound rediculous and plain out retarded... but thats just an outside opinion. I just honestly don't see how you fool anyone with it... I mean after reading the guide and random posts it seems kind of pointless, to an extent. I could see some situations where it would make sense... but if you were any good at pvp why would you need to do this... my main question is, is this pvps foundation spamming? If it isnt... why have it? I'm not saying get rid of it, last thing I want is a bunch of whiners comming and calling me an idiot, I can do that myself, but I would like to hear everyones opinion on their ability to pvp without spam. Would anyone do worse if they couldnt spam? The way it seems to me is, some of the veteran xuo players have the pvp down to such a system they could do it blindfolded... or maybe have made scripts to do it all for them. I really don't care... I wont be spamming anything, maybe throw in a wop once in awhile, but other then that it wouldnt fit my rp, nor could my character speak 10000 words a minute. If everyone wants to run around spamming like 12 year olds in a chat room let them... just makes them look like pathetic fools to me and I will get a good laugh at my comp when I see it, win or loss, at least I'll get a good laugh.

well if u dont use power words its more difficult to win because when u hit the guy u r fighting with and u dont spam he wont cast gh and he wont loose mana. the sense of the power words is make the guy heal himself a lot so u can waste his mana. sorry for my english i´m spanish ^^

i think maka will add the pvp filter again.. witch makes you only able to see the text from your own area. and it reduces the lag

Rob Wrote:I think I remember that being considered "lame" on In1. Might have even been illegal, I can't really remember.
Yes, if I remember it right I think they made it illegal since everyone just ran around spamming, it became ridiculous.

There will be a delay on it so that people can't "super spam", but it won't bu a super huge delay. Idea is pretty much that you are able to spam every hit, if you send to many spams or spam to often your spamming will be blocked for x seconds. Also like Odium said, the "filter" will be in and it will decrease everyones receiving, a lot.

I myself would not want to be a part of a server that doesn't have fake powerwords "enabled" in their PvP. I'd be bored after 1 min of dueling.

Yah i pvp on xuo for years and i never had a Autopilot Spam macro or a whatever. U just need spam sometimes eg: got a good hit, wanna hide a reflection etc... Spam abuse just get ppl laggy and doestn give u any advantage cept if u have mega conex and dont lag :E

Fallzone Wrote:I agree even though i come from xuo...
Its rediculous and totally annoying and unnecessary, i have been a top pvper on xuo a few years ago and sadly but true i have always ignored the spam.
I never used it in pvp since its pretty worthless cuz when your into the pvp you will know when the opponent will make a move.
Sure sometimes they start flaming/casting on you suddenly but that are times when you can completely heal out from the attack.

So id say remove it or heavely delay it

I think you've been away from the XUO pvp for far too long my friend. Perhaps not using spam vs players did work back in your days when you were active at XUO, but nowadays almost every player coming from XUO knows how to heal out of offensive attacks easily unless you trick them or hide the spam. They are used to being able to heal out of it even when being tricked most of the time, so when somebody is casting a spell and actually not spamming they'll be like "oh lol is this guy kidding me? it's like he'd be saying "ok now I will punch you, so get ready to block it", instead of just hitting him by surprise.

PvP without spam is really slow and boring at XUO pvp these days. Try it out with the spam for 2-3 weeks and you'll see why. Every XUO player whose any good and whose been playing lately will most likely agree. Duels will take ages and they will end by people fucking up, hitting wrong buttons etc, instead of they actually getting attacked and killed by a strong attack.

PvP is not simply about the people with best connections or reaction times, it's about reading your opponent. If you THINK he'll be casting a spell, do what u need to do to survive it. If both players use it it'll be loads of fun, if only one person however uses it the person who doesn't use it will find it to "suck", and the person who uses it will find it to be too easy to survive all attacks of the guy who isn't using it.

I hope I made some sense to all you people reading this, but trust me, I am right. Been playing this PvP since it was created, been one of the best PvPers on almost all XUO versions, and trust me, I know what I'm talking about.


Quote:I think you've been away from the XUO pvp for far too long my friend. Perhaps not using spam vs players did work back in your days when you were active at XUO, but nowadays almost every player coming from XUO knows how to heal out of offensive attacks easily unless you trick them or hide the spam. They are used to being able to heal out of it even when being tricked most of the time, so when somebody is casting a spell and actually not spamming they'll be like "oh lol is this guy kidding me? it's like he'd be saying "ok now I will punch you, so get ready to block it", instead of just hitting him by surprise.

PvP without spam is really slow and boring at XUO pvp these days. Try it out with the spam for 2-3 weeks and you'll see why. Every XUO player whose any good and whose been playing lately will most likely agree. Duels will take ages and they will end by people fucking up, hitting wrong buttons etc, instead of they actually getting attacked and killed by a strong attack.

PvP is not simply about the people with best connections or reaction times, it's about reading your opponent. If you THINK he'll be casting a spell, do what u need to do to survive it. If both players use it it'll be loads of fun, if only one person however uses it the person who doesn't use it will find it to "suck", and the person who uses it will find it to be too easy to survive all attacks of the guy who isn't using it.

I hope I made some sense to all you people reading this, but trust me, I am right. Been playing this PvP since it was created, been one of the best PvPers on almost all XUO versions, and trust me, I know what I'm talking about.


No one could have said it any better. Spam has been a vital part of our PvP since the very beginning with of course a delay on the spam which will be added.

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