Poll: Should guild looting be legal? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, a crafty thief deserves his plunder
No, I like carebear rules
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Legalize guild looting petition

What's the obsession with pretending to be someone's friend and then looting their guild house? Doesn't that seem kind of counter productive to you?
I hate to keep bringing up this line but...
On The Abyss (I know this is not The Abyss, but that server is a seriously hardcore PvP server that has been up for about 12 years now) even looting guild member's corpses and not returning the items was enough to get you 7 terms in the stables (anyone who played there knew how HORRIBLE this was) and a permanent tag that said [Don't trust me]. This rule is to DISCOURAGE disruptive behavior. There are hundreds of guilds on that server, some guilds have 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 members... This would not be at all possible without a rule that prohibits you from back stabbing guildmates.

This thread is retarded.
People who posted before me in this thread arguing about guild looting is retarded.
Calling things you dont like carebear is retarded.
Brandon beat me to the yellow short bus pic so hes also retarded.
I do not care about guild looting becouse its retarded.
I voted no becouse I like Equilibrium (also the band Equilibrium) and thus its retarded.

Habibi Jones Wrote:What's the obsession with pretending to be someone's friend and then looting their guild house? Doesn't that seem kind of counter productive to you?
I hate to keep bringing up this line but...
On The Abyss (I know this is not The Abyss, but that server is a seriously hardcore PvP server that has been up for about 12 years now) even looting guild member's corpses and not returning the items was enough to get you 7 terms in the stables (anyone who played there knew how HORRIBLE this was) and a permanent tag that said [Don't trust me]. This rule is to DISCOURAGE disruptive behavior. There are hundreds of guilds on that server, some guilds have 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 members... This would not be at all possible without a rule that prohibits you from back stabbing guildmates.

Coming from the guy who has the most guild mates on the shard just because they can't PvP they recruit everyone now that this is going to happen he knows he will be guild looted. So hilariously ironic.

I can't believe I'm going to respond to your sorry self, but our guild has something like 16 members, half of which are alts/inactive. We have about 7 active members and 2 of them (myself and Maka) have been a little too busy to play as much as we'd like to lately. Whatever floats your boat though, considering last night you lost 3 5v5 fights against us according to my mates.
I know you're just a pissy little brat though so I'm not surprised you are trying to insult me in a suggestion thread, yet again.
You like to point out irony (or what you think is irony) so here is some irony for you: right now both of our guilds have the same amount of active players online.
You're making a point based on 3 things that aren't true.

1) We "let everyone in our guild"
2) We have way more actives than you
2) We suck

Why don't you try to support guild looting/backstabbing in a reasonable way? Oh wait...

I can't believe I've kept up with this whole thread. But here's what I've understood the pros and cons are:

Pros of the Rule:
  • It allows for people to accept people into their guild without worrying as much.
  • More people can get guilds faster since the master aren't worrying.
  • It discourages trolling and griefing behavior.
  • It keeps people from quitting because someone decides to be a jerk in a way that affects an entire group of people.

Cons of the Rule:
  • You can't grief a very small segment of the population within an extremely limited and specific geographical location.
  • You used to be able to.
  • People who enjoy being vicious enough to force people to quit the game can't do so in this specific way.
  • --Also, more work for staff.

Points that have no relevance to the topic, are based on logical fallacies, or are otherwise invalid: Too many to list in their entirety, but here goes.
  • Guild A is Good, Guild B Sucks.
  • Making one rule that limits PVP means that soon noone will be allowed to do anything bad to anyone without permission.
  • Staff made the rule to protect their butt buddies.
  • Guilds should secure their own stuff, etc. (this is true, but irrelevant to the rule)
  • Shard isn't a democracy even though we have a voting booth.
  • Rule didn't exist when the shard started. (neither did the amendments to the constitution if you're American)
  • Rules affect on raising population. (Highly unlikely that this is the sole cause of the growth, or even a significant factor)
  • Number of people who voted. (relevant from a statistician's viewpoint I suppose)

TL;DR: Lots of good arguments for keeping the rule. Lots of insinuation, name calling and pure repetition of an opinion for getting rid of the rule.

Eru, I dont understand. You linked me to the original thread for why guild looting was made illegal.....which only explained 'due to recent events'.

When I asked what specifically happened, and to whom....you reply it was 3 guilds, and it doesn't matter to whom.....then you lock the thread.

Quote:but the ultimate trophy for a good pk/ bully is a player who quits after you killed/ reskilled him.

If I see someone that keeps reskilling or harassing other players only to make them quit, I am definitely going to ban that person.

What Loki said in another topic and that Eru quoted is very true

Loki Wrote:I think some of the anti-carebear crowd need to think through what they are asking. Sure, individually allowing walls in the festival area, allowing guild looting, reducing the guarded mines etc. may sound good but if you keep pushing in every direction the server becomes an extremely hostile environment and the very people you have a hard-on to kill will simply leave, and we all know that a low playerbase leads to a bad economy and a boring PvP system.

I think as a general point of principle (not referring to any specific issue) we need a little more compromise between the different playstyles we support, you can't expect a digital bloodbath to appeal to players who are in to RP and crafts, and whilst you may not value their interaction directly you will definitely notice a dip in the quality of the economy, the busyness of the server and the number of people available for you to extort, kill and loot if you keep pushing an agenda of making their way of playing impossible.

Just think about it. Like I said, I'm not even referring to any specific change or requested change, I just think you should try to think about it from the same perspective the staff has to.

Also, here's from my original post I created when I made guild looting illegal

Taran Wrote:Due to recent events I'm making a stand when it comes to looting guildhouses and I've decided that it is not allowed. This is not a carebear server but if a guild gets looted that can damage a big part of the community and possibly make them quit. It will also make it much more difficult for new players to find guilds to join since people will only recruit those they trust.

I think most players will agree with me on this, there is nothing good about guild looting really.

Regular house looting is still allowed though and if you are the only person in the guild then that counts as regular house looting as well.

With that said, I'm not going to change this rule. Guild looting will always be illegal. If you want to loot someone that bad then camp outside their house and loot them that way, which is fine as long as it's not a guild.

I locked the thread because it's easier to keep up with one thread than two. The conversation in that thread was just going to end up being a branch of this one.

As for it not mattering, I don't think it does. It wasn't to help a specific guild, but to try to stop a trend. We had had a growth in guild recruitment as people were starting to try to get an RP base going or rebuild old guilds from the original IN. I think after one guild got looted and nothing happened, other people joined other guilds and looted them also.

I just don't understand we were told to come post about it on the forums and the votes are in favor of reversing this rule.. It's a part of the game I mean I just don't know what else to say

Like kennedy said why even have a booth if there's no freedom of speech..

If you didn't have "freedom of speech" then a lot of topics would have been deleted. Having a voting booth can help us make decisions and we tend to listen to a lot of what the players have to say. But ultimately it's up to me and I've made my decision in this case.

Lets all just agree that for some reason when they made this game UO they forgot to install sharks and turkeys. And I want my damn sharks and turkeys. /thread

I am quite confused by this thread.
I like Taran's decision as the only way to effectively guild loot is to make an alt and play it up while trying to gain entrance into what ever guild you wish to loot.

I did like on thing that Kennedy said and which I would suggest we do.
Make a list of guilds which is okay with being looted, this is a one time yes no question on a forum, maybe a gump on the guild stone,
people who is all for it can go crazy, the hardcores can fight and loot eachother and the casual miner guild can be recruit newbies and be safe.

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