Poll: Should guild looting be legal? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, a crafty thief deserves his plunder
No, I like carebear rules
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Legalize guild looting petition

Fulmanar Wrote:I don't see how you're having a debate, you literally refuse to debate with me, you're just making topical gawks and remarks when you can.

"Kenedy this guy is so hard headed I pretty much gave up in the other thread it was about 14 pages long, he thinks it's his way or the high way his opinion doesn't even matter to me at this point "

Thanks for proving my point

sm0ke Wrote:Thanks for proving my point

What point? you're not making any, you have a lack of a point, in fact I don't think you've said anything in this thread that was constructive in the slightest, you were goading Habibi for having 22 members in his guild and other random things, just parroting what other people were saying, how is that a debate? Isn't goading Habibi going off topic by a large degree?

Azzo I appreciate your well constructed post, but everything you bring up has already been addressed by my posts in some form. Before you dismiss that claim, please go back and read from the start....its all there.

And for the record, the original thread discussing the rule only states 'due to recent events'
I asked what the recent events were and who was involved in the appropriate thread.

And yes, it does matter. Why should it be withheld from the community? Run this shard like a Dictatorship and see where that leads Tongue

Reposting a relevant quote from another topic.
Loki Wrote:I think some of the anti-carebear crowd need to think through what they are asking. Sure, individually allowing walls in the festival area, allowing guild looting, reducing the guarded mines etc. may sound good but if you keep pushing in every direction the server becomes an extremely hostile environment and the very people you have a hard-on to kill will simply leave, and we all know that a low playerbase leads to a bad economy and a boring PvP system.

I think as a general point of principle (not referring to any specific issue) we need a little more compromise between the different playstyles we support, you can't expect a digital bloodbath to appeal to players who are in to RP and crafts, and whilst you may not value their interaction directly you will definitely notice a dip in the quality of the economy, the busyness of the server and the number of people available for you to extort, kill and loot if you keep pushing an agenda of making their way of playing impossible.

Just think about it. Like I said, I'm not even referring to any specific change or requested change, I just think you should try to think about it from the same perspective the staff has to.

We have a wide range of players and play styles here. We are an RP/PVP shard and there are certain polarizing subjects that it's impossible to make everyone happy with. We try to find a good balance between the two and there are plenty of normal houses out there to be looted.

So does this mean any "guild house" can not be looted? I havent looked into the rules that much on house looting but let say there is a guild with 4 ppl. Are the able to be looted or does guild member count not mean any thing.

You can't have 1 member and claim this rule.

Kander Wrote:So does this mean any "guild house" can not be looted? I havent looked into the rules that much on house looting but let say there is a guild with 4 ppl. Are the able to be looted or does guild member count not mean any thing.

1 member guilds can be looted last I recall.

It only applies to guilds of multiple people. One-person guilds don't count and neither do normal houses owned by a single guild member or an unguilded person. There are vastly more individual houses than there are guild houses that this rule applies to.

Kennedy Wrote:Azzo I appreciate your well constructed post, but everything you bring up has already been addressed by my posts in some form. Before you dismiss that claim, please go back and read from the start....its all there.

And for the record, the original thread discussing the rule only states 'due to recent events'
I asked what the recent events were and who was involved in the appropriate thread.

And yes, it does matter. Why should it be withheld from the community? Run this shard like a Dictatorship and see where that leads Tongue

Kennedy, I did, that's what my post was. A summary of all your posts' points and an attempt to work out how you got there. You say things like, this will lead to other carebear rules and build arguments off that such as people will leave, finally drawing back and concluding that having guild looting banned will cause people to leave. This is a logical fallacy called the slippery slope fallacy.

That's not a discussion, it's pushing an agenda.

There is more to the thread, taran gave a lot more than just people complaining.

Can cause damage to a big part of the community
More difficult for new players to find guilds

It's clearly something he had been thinking about for a while, the recent events you speak of seem to be the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak.

Edit: should add you're not the only one making the same mistake regarding slippery slope, you've just been the most vocal.

Im in a one man guild, any one want to join and make it a 2 man guild? WE WILL BE GUILD LOOTING FREE!

I already own 2 houses.

Seriously, Kennedy? You lose all credibility when you incite a massive circle jerk at Britain bank complaining about how GMs shouldn't have player accounts, how GMs feed their player character's items, how GMs share spawn locations and such with their guilds, how the PvP here sucks, and a bunch of other bullshit about nerfing.

Then there's Thenu spouting off how he thinks it's fun to make people quit. Y'all snicker about this nonsense. You then say this shard isn't for you and you're likely going to quit. Thenu then tries to encourage you to "troll the fuk out of the shard" when you quit.

All this waawaa *****ing & moaning. Y'all try to claim guild looting and such will encourage growth. What the hell? Your sole motivation for playing is to grief players and make them quit. How can you even begin to know what will encourage growth?

Brandon Wrote:Seriously, Kennedy? You lose all credibility when you incite a massive circle jerk at Britain bank complaining about how GMs shouldn't have player accounts, how GMs feed their player character's items, how GMs share spawn locations and such with their guilds, how the PvP here sucks, and a bunch of other bullshit about nerfing.

Then there's Thenu spouting off how he thinks it's fun to make people quit. Y'all snicker about this nonsense. You then say this shard isn't for you and you're likely going to quit. Thenu then tries to encourage you to "troll the fuk out of the shard" when you quit.

All this waawaa *****ing & moaning. Y'all try to claim guild looting and such will encourage growth. What the hell? Your sole motivation for playing is to grief players and make them quit. How can you even begin to know what will encourage growth?

I understand you may be emotional about alot of things, but everything you mentioned is for another thread/topic.

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