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Festival ground field spells

I think you should beable to cast feild spells in the festival grounds area. I am aware it was once this way and it made pvp in that area very entertaining.


It causes problems, such as walling off the area exiting the casino and waiting for people to leave. The area's narrow enough that you can wall someone the second they get outside the doors or just place the walls one screen away.

Eru Wrote:It causes problems, such as walling off the area exiting the casino and waiting for people to leave. The area's narrow enough that you can wall someone the second they get outside the doors or just place the walls one screen away.

Ok I am aware of that.. That is what makes it fun. In old servers you didn't even have acces to the casino from that side. This server is seriously becoming way to carebear for me.

I could fill the area with Balrons and EVs to make it less carebear Big Grin

Loki Wrote:I could fill the area with Balrons and EVs to make it less carebear Big Grin

Best idea ever! DOOOO EEETTTTTTT!

Loki Wrote:I could fill the area with Balrons and EVs to make it less carebear Big Grin

That would be fine with me

I think some of the anti-carebear crowd need to think through what they are asking. Sure, individually allowing walls in the festival area, allowing guild looting, reducing the guarded mines etc. may sound good but if you keep pushing in every direction the server becomes an extremely hostile environment and the very people you have a hard-on to kill will simply leave, and we all know that a low playerbase leads to a bad economy and a boring PvP system.

I think as a general point of principle (not referring to any specific issue) we need a little more compromise between the different playstyles we support, you can't expect a digital bloodbath to appeal to players who are in to RP and crafts, and whilst you may not value their interaction directly you will definitely notice a dip in the quality of the economy, the busyness of the server and the number of people available for you to extort, kill and loot if you keep pushing an agenda of making their way of playing impossible.

Just think about it. Like I said, I'm not even referring to any specific change or requested change, I just think you should try to think about it from the same perspective the staff has to.


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