Poll: Should guild looting be legal? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, a crafty thief deserves his plunder
No, I like carebear rules
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Legalize guild looting petition

Kennedy Wrote:Will the shard continue to change and make rules based around the opinions of its small veteran base...even against higher numbers of differing opinions of newer players? If that is the case, IN should appreciate its playerbase right now, while it still has one is all i'm saying.
Are you an American politician by any chance?

We'll continue to make rules based on logic, reason and what we think is best for the shard. Rule additions are very rare and only in response to real problems.

i don't care about greedy pixels idiots and guild looting has nothing common with carebearing.

Eru Wrote:If you're interested, it was put into place after a string of guild lootings where a few guilds were recruiting large numbers of players, then were looted for massive amounts of items. Granted, leaving lots of loot out in the open then inviting complete strangers to come paw at it makes me shake my head in disbelief.

However, large guilds such as these *do* help young players get started and that was the main reason behind the rule. To help young players, to protect people who are trying to contribute to the community, and to punish the griefers.

Hopefully you were shaking your head in disbelief at the judgement or lack thereof from the guild members who blindly recruited so many new players. The recruiting members made a choice to recruit.....and they got looted. Should they not be held responsible for their actions?

That's good that players want to help out newbies. I help people out a lot myself. However, 3k starting gold and 4 near-gm skills are generously given...along with access to a training area, all skills buyable to 40. You also have the 1k for voting. IMO thats more than any true uo player would need to actually get started.

And staff should make rules based on logic........although I cannot see any in this rule.
To me it seems staff is wiping the asses of those who expect IN to be a perfect place where nothing bad happens...or could happen to them. How boring is that?

Also, im not sure what that politician remark meant.....a stab at my intelligence?

I actually voted yes just because it means less work. It's tedious having to go through and check logs and old worldsaves, then go trace items down and return them. Much easier to take the time to secure your items while setting up your guild.

I think I'll write a guide on securing your houses, items, guilds, etc.

No guild would recruit anyone if it was "legal" to guild loot.

Trust nobody, simple as that. Even if there's a rule against guild looting you should make sure your guild is safe from it. Less headaches for everyone. If you let anyone else have access to your stuff, be sure it's something that you can afford to lose. So many guildhouses were looted back on IN1 and it always spawned a huge conflict (and it was awesome). Funny enough, prime example that comes to mind was DOOM guildhouse being looted by Onyx and Glory. Whoever has that guild name should ditch it fast, it's jinxed Big Grin

Kennedy, are you sKunk?

Kennedy Wrote:Also, im not sure what that politician remark meant.....a stab at my intelligence?
I didn't mean it as an attack. Tongue It's just that it was after two question statements that seemed to imply that staff gives preference without actually saying it. It reminds me of watching Fox News.

Quote:Hopefully you were shaking your head in disbelief at the judgement or lack thereof from the guild members who blindly recruited so many new players.
^This exactly.

Im sorry to say this, but this is one of the most useless rules i have ever heard of. no guild looting? what is that? if you let someone in your guild who cannot be trusted to bad, your mistake, should not have been that stupid.

there are 2 types of players, the ones who like to decorate their pixel house and the ones who like trash that pixel house (not possible so we compensate with players). this happened once to me on another shard, our whole tower got looted, all our armors, stacked up pvp utilities (fs scrolls/ pots etc) and we learned our lesson. BETTER SCREENING.

TBH, you guys say that it will be bad for the playerbase, its part of uo! deceiving people is the best, there is nothing more fun than killing someone and this person starts crying about how unfair shit is. seriously, if you dont know what im talking about try it.

you guys might hate me for this... but the ultimate trophy for a good pk/ bully is a player who quits after you killed/ reskilled him.

my 2 cents. (sorry for chitty grammar and off-topic bs, ect bla bla idc)

The server claims it is not care bear. This is a perfect example of what care bear is. I vote yes

Kennedy Wrote:A player was jailed today for guild looting. I myself was not aware this was against the rules because it has been happening since day 1 in ultima online.

Guilds should recruit SMARTLY. Guild members should trust one another and should have trial periods for potential members to prove themselves before deemed worthy of joining....much like vampires do with acolytes and shadow mages with shadow apprentices. In my years of playing uo and observing, the BEST and most SUCCESSFUL guilds have always been close, tight knit groups with 10 or below members.

If you zerg random members, you're bound to get a sheister sooner or later people. This IS UO afterall.

Guild infiltration has always been a tactic of good theifs in uo. Gain trust, work your way in and loot the place dry.

If you dont trust players, dont recruit them into your guild and give them access to your guild chests. Dont put anything terribly important in guild chests that you would risk losing FFS! I dont think it gets any more logical than that. This is a pretty carebear rule, and I dread is just a taste of things/changes to come.

Lets all remind ourselves and those around us that this is a FEL shard.

I have proposed several, easy to follow suggestions that would almost ensure you WONT be guild looted and would merit this bunk rule non existent:

-have a buffer zone/halfway guild for members to prove themselves
-Dont zerg random members
-recruit SMARTLY, recruit people you know, recruit people that others can vouch for
-Make members provide their own supplies
-Dont put anything into guildchests you have become emotionally attached to
-Dont use guild chests
-Dont be in/run a guild

WOW! It's magic! Honestly, uo is not a new game....players should know what they're getting into when they play, or make choices to start/run with a guild.

Couldn't agree more, I mean we discussed it in game and the punishments are just too harsh and it's becoming a big thing that staff don't want people to quit so they just baby everyone it's getting pretty bad.

People just need to play the game for what it is and not add these kinds of rules :/ I remember posting about this 3-4 weeks ago and I got shot down completely glad it's being re-looked into.

EDIT: I think that Skunk should also be unjailed, I don't even know the guy i've played poker with him a couple of times but this just seems to harsh of a punishment. I think a simple returning of the items and a warning would have sufficed?

Thenu Wrote:you guys might hate me for this... but the ultimate trophy for a good pk/ bully is a player who quits after you killed/ reskilled him.
It doesn't help your case to say that the reason you want this changed is so that you can grief as many people into quitting as possible. This is precisely the attitude that this rule is intended to discourage.

If I have to pick between people who like to grief others to cause them to have a bad time and creative people who like to build and create a community, I'll pick the second option every time.

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