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Make tables los.

Noticed that you can cast spells through the tables and stuff at the DM. Any way that could be changed?


tables aren't a wall you can clearly cast over tables just like height differenciates, I'd actually like to see trees not stop LoS and see what happens

Sphere pvp is fun because of this silly bug that allows us to be mobile as we cast spells... thus able to minipulate doors, walls , trees, pillars, tables,essentially anything solid, as an object to block line of sight, and cause consternation for our foes.

Why on earth would it be interesting to have one of the only objects found in abundance with this quality, stripped of it?

Not everyone enjoys the face to face exchange of spells in an open room... just my
.02 anyways..

The deathmatches are so gank oriented, why not provide additional coverage once a room is entered?

Roundeye Wrote:Sphere pvp is fun because of this silly bug that allows us to be mobile as we cast spells... thus able to minipulate doors, walls , trees, pillars, tables,essentially anything solid, as an object to block line of sight, and cause consternation for our foes.

Why on earth would it be interesting to have one of the only objects found in abundance with this quality, stripped of it?

Not everyone enjoys the face to face exchange of spells in an open room... just my
.02 anyways..

The deathmatches are so gank oriented, why not provide additional coverage once a room is entered?

So wait your trying to argue that you shouldn't be able to cast over tables yet we eat on tables and speak across them everyday? The item your trying to argue has a certain height and it's not higher than pretty much our waste level. There's no reason to make tables LoS just because you feel it can help you get ganked less. There's spells like magic reflect/invis/GH spell/Gh pot/GH scroll that will allow you to survive. You're trying to argue that every solid object should block LoS well it shouldn't because everything in this game is a solid object. Empty bottles/Blank scrolls/chairs/tables/npcs/regs etc etc, everything in this game is a solid object so no that's not a good reason to change the LoS of tables and such in rooms at all

It's pretty easy to avoid LoS is rooms use the door and corners and find out for your self.

sm0ke Wrote:So wait your trying to argue that you shouldn't be able to cast over tables yet we eat on tables and speak across them everyday? The item your trying to argue has a certain height and it's not higher than pretty much our waste level. There's no reason to make tables LoS just because you feel it can help you get ganked less. There's spells like magic reflect/invis/GH spell/Gh pot/GH scroll that will allow you to survive. You're trying to argue that every solid object should block LoS well it shouldn't because everything in this game is a solid object. Empty bottles/Blank scrolls/chairs/tables/npcs/regs etc etc, everything in this game is a solid object so no that's not a good reason to change the LoS of tables and such in rooms at all

It's pretty easy to avoid LoS is rooms use the door and corners and find out for your self.

No. Not bottles, black scrolls, and chairs. Anything that physically blocks you, like a table.

You can't melee through a table, why should you be able to cast through a table?

Wouldnt you cast OVER? And if you was a archer should you beable to shoot OVER the table as well?

I'm personally not in favour of making tables block LoS. It just doesn't make sense to me. Sure, once in a while I go to dinner with a girl where, in good lighting, I suddenly realise that I wish the dinner table did block LoS, but sadly it never does Wink

I am, however, in favour of adding other forms of scenery that block LoS either in the DM or around popular PvP spots. But I would rather do it after we've had a chance to play with spell damage a bit. The reason for this is that I feel currently people are too hard to kill in PvP, this is definitely a problem in 1 vs 1 and maybe even in group PvP and adding even more ways for people to break LoS and reduce incoming damage will only make it worse. I'd like to get the PvP to a place where blocking LoS is important and (rightly) an advantage for skillful players to use, but without breaking the balance of killing/healing.

So, pending the judgement of the T-man, could I persuade you to wait and let us get back to this issue a little later? and preferably don't all start arguing again Wink

sm0ke Wrote:GET OFF MY LAWN

Ok, I'm sorry I wasn't specific enough sm0ke, as Ive seen your penchant for using straw-men in discussions. I should have known better. I know you are comfortable with the way things are, and attack any suggestion with the fervor of an old man yelling at the kids to "get off his lawn" ... but I merely seconded the idea about tables, because I thought it was a good idea to provide more coverage.. perhaps I should have suggested a different item replace the tables while extolling the virtues of this style of pvp.

I understand that you derive your pvp joy from calculating your opponents mana, and prefer the confines of an empty , comfy 5x5 box... but perhaps taking advantage of the mobility of this style of pvp... and the ability to hide from your opponent's spells is not so terrible? I understand what spells are available to me for defense, but I also understand that the ability to seek cover behind an object is just as important.

It makes sense where you are coming from about the tables, as far as their height is concerned, and you made a valid point... but more coverage would be beneficial, as opposed to less.

For some reason, I cant get an edit to save on my above post. Sorry Loki.

i think anything u cant hit thru with ur weap should be LoS. and i also think more LoS blocking objects should be added. at least that way you got more chance of Fighting a gank than just using an invis pot and recalling. brings more ''skills'' to the pvp dont u think?

lags Wrote:no. Not bottles, black scrolls, and chairs. Anything that physically blocks you, like a table.

you can't melee through a table, why should you be able to cast through a table?


Genocide Wrote:i think anything u cant hit thru with ur weap should be LoS. and i also think more LoS blocking objects should be added. at least that way you got more chance of Fighting a gank than just using an invis pot and recalling. brings more ''skills'' to the pvp dont u think?

The reason you cant hit melee through a table is because you're not on a tile next to the tile of your target! theres you, the table, then your target! you cant reach the target!

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