Poll: Should Shield Parry/Damage Ruduce be NERFED? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, Nerf it! Shields absorb too much Damage.
No, Do Not Nerf it!
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Nerf Shields?

Loki Wrote:The weapon one is already on our radar and we've been testing solutions on the test server. Again no promises of anything specific but something should be changed soon in that regard (which may also in turn affect what we do or do not do with shields).

Good I'd also like to see changes to war hammer specifically, hits way to hard and fast also drains stam it's not balanced at all

edit: btw I wish I could see the votes who voted no I bet you it's the same person twice.

Eh, nice James. I didn't plan to vote at all, thought I'd let others decide, but with your recent comment I just can't disappoint ya. Just once though.

everybody runs around with 2h not shields...

Gang Wrote:Eh, nice James. I didn't plan to vote at all, thought I'd let others decide, but with your recent comment I just can't disappoint ya. Just once though.

Np, it's obviously not balanced neither are weapon hits duno why your in favor of keeping them. It's not about adapting to a new PvP from IN-X it's about nerfing something that is imbalanced. War hammers are next on my list.

Lynn Fury Wrote:everybody runs around with 2h not shields...

Not in 1v1 almost everyone switches to a shield to avoid damage when there low on mana

Isn't that diversity though? Different strats for different situations? (Shield when low mana)

I'm also confused about the war hammer issue, you say they do too much damage, but also drain stamina? Maybe the amounts could be tweaked but the idea of a weapon that hits hard but stops you from being able to run in a long battle sounds good to me.

DISCLAIMER: I don't pvp so I'm not saying things should/shouldn't be this way, they're genuine questions.

LOL WTF ! do not nerf we cant even mele dragons YET ! it is not all for PVP

Just war hammers or all macing weapons? The stamina drain was put in a long time ago and I've never heard a complaint until now...

Nerfing shield for pvp would be good.. but what about pvm? i use shield for that and sometimes i get hits that almost kill me!
The change on shields not interfering on spell damage and explosion for example makes dragon much more powerfull!
Maybe nerf it for pvp only?

That's possible Raziel, it's not my place to make any specific promises but I'll try to see what we can do about making shields work against monster spell/breath damage. We're not out to ruin the game for anyone and we certainly don't want PvP changes to damage other aspects of the game Smile

Raziel_ Wrote:Nerfing shield for pvp would be good.. but what about pvm? i use shield for that and sometimes i get hits that almost kill me!
The change on shields not interfering on spell damage and explosion for example makes dragon much more powerfull!
Maybe nerf it for pvp only?

What about making Order/Chaos shields have some resistance to PvM or some sort since they were nerfed either way, that way everyone would be happy and you can still hunt with a shield :p

BenSa Wrote:LOL WTF ! do not nerf we cant even mele dragons YET ! it is not all for PVP

Are you crazy? you'll never be able to bandaid up and melee a dragon before you die. Silver weapons are there to do more dmg in PvM and less in PvP so regardless this won't affect you.

Azzo Wrote:I'm also confused about the war hammer issue, you say they do too much damage, but also drain stamina? Maybe the amounts could be tweaked but the idea of a weapon that hits hard but stops you from being able to run in a long battle sounds good to me.

DISCLAIMER: I don't pvp so I'm not saying things should/shouldn't be this way, they're genuine questions.

Yes the war hammer swings too fast also hits too hard like a bard/hally and ALSO drains stam it's a pretty ridiculous weapon.

Shields are by no means over powered... Although I shouldn't bother responding because every thing is imbalanced to Proto.

Edit: hope this doesn't cause a shit storm.
Prototype guys: The PvP could use MINOR tweaks, but everything you guys have been crying about in this thread is pretty well balanced. Hammer pick is balanced if you consider the fact that it is slower than a bardiche and has less average damage. The hammer is like a bardiche only slower, and more consistent damage.
I understand that you want every single person to duel with a bardiche and hally, but it ain't gonna happen!
You are asking to make a useful item useless. Just because shields were useless on the shard you played does not mean they should be useless here.

The real problem in supplied tournies is that you get +25 tactics weapons, and in general, weapon damage rates are based on 125 tactics not 100. There's your problem.

Habibi Jones Wrote:Shields are by no means over powered... Although I shouldn't bother responding because every thing is imbalanced to Proto.

Edit: hope this doesn't cause a shit storm.
Prototype guys: The PvP could use MINOR tweaks, but everything you guys have been crying about in this thread is pretty well balanced. Hammer pick is balanced if you consider the fact that it is slower than a bardiche and has less average damage. The hammer is like a bardiche only slower, and more consistent damage.
I understand that you want every single person to duel with a bardiche and hally, but it ain't gonna happen!
You are asking to make a useful item useless. Just because shields were useless on the shard you played does not mean they should be useless here.

The real problem in supplied tournies is that you get +25 tactics weapons, and in general, weapon damage rates are based on 125 tactics not 100. There's your problem.

Shields are very overpowered, you don't see the problem in that because you and vys both duel the same way use the same weapons and discuss about it over msn regularly at least so I've been told by vys himself. You shouldn't need to slap on a shield the parry chances + armor reduction of the shield with the set of armor are too ridiculous you either hit for 5-10 dmg or parry all the time. After a person misses or hits for very little you can just slap on another weapon like the war hammer which indeed is faster than some weapons. I believe mito was tweaking it on IN-X near the end if I'm not mistaken so that it would be used more so obviously it didn't even have a testing stage therefore yes you do not know what your talking about. I don't care what weapon people use I myself use a ba bard and hally in duels so don't try and think i'm forcing the use of bardiches in PvP. I don't even care if you use a shield just make them balanced as they are definetly not right now.

The problem does not certainly lie with autosupply it's just shields in general and well if you can't see this you really have no idea what balance is.

EDIT: I also love the part where you say I try to enforce everyone to duel with a hally/bard yet your statement and the way this PvP hit/miss/parry system is built it pretty much states you want to enforce shields to be used by everyone in duels? Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

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