Poll: Should Icebludel be a second guarded mine? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, guarded.
No, unguarded.
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Second Guarded Mine? (Icebludel)

Right now there are two guarded mines. After seeing 10 people crowding the Mt. Kendall mine, we turned on guards at Icebludel. This has gotten mixed reviews so I figure we should vote on it.

As for discussion, please spare me the 12 pages of arguments about "carebear," "doodz," "griefers," "guards are for babies," etc. I trust people can make a point without having to call names.

No there's that many people in MT Kendall because there's no risk involved in losing items. Gotta put your foot down or everyone will just keep wanting free stuff out of it with no risks involved.

Have to agree with smoke.

There should always be a greater risk involved with greater rewards. If you want to have more ore, there should be greater risk. I think one guarded mine is more than enough. Also, Mt. Kendall is very popular place for new players to go to. I think it gives a good impression to new players if the place is packed.

I have no issue with more than one guarded mine, I mean if numbers continue to increase then Mt. Kendall is going to get even more packed during peak hours. Though at the same time I wouldn't care if there was only one as I'm usually mining in offpeak times so Mt. Kendall is usually empty. I do think the guarded mines should be limited to only lesser ores though, if you want the higher rares ores you should have to take a risk to get them.

I'm fine with it if you turn off anything above blackrock in the mines.

Yeah I agree with Siren. Guarded mines are new to me, it seems like a good way to safely get rich without having a care in the world Tongue
It doesn't bother me either way but in my opinion there shouldn't even be 1 guarded mine. If there was an ingot cap like Siren suggested then it doesn't really matter, though.
I'm going to vote for a second guarded mine because it doesn't make a difference to me.

Yes. I'm for it, but both Siren and Habibi are right. That would be a very easy way to get rich without any risk.

I voted yes, but in response to the "it's easy to get rich with guarded mines": It's easy to get rich either way. You can go provo a few drakes and toss some EVs and make 100k in what an hour or two? I know that's not a lot, but let's face it, it's easy to get money hunting too. Why shouldn't crafting have it easy?

Habibi Jones Wrote:Yeah I agree with Siren. Guarded mines are new to me, it seems like a good way to safely get rich without having a care in the world Tongue
It doesn't bother me either way but in my opinion there shouldn't even be 1 guarded mine. If there was an ingot cap like Siren suggested then it doesn't really matter, though.
I'm going to vote for a second guarded mine because it doesn't make a difference to me.

Elia Wrote:Yes. I'm for it, but both Siren and Habibi are right. That would be a very easy way to get rich without any risk.

It should be noted it's possible to become rich on low end ingots. There isn't a demand for high end ingots. At this point most people are training and really only want the low end ingots.

If you make it harder to get the better ingots you're only going to make the price go up. If the price of ingots is increased you're going to see an increase of the price of ingot based items.

It's not like all miners are sitting around sipping brandy while producing maniacal laughs.

I don't care either way.

That's a good point Brandon, sure Sapphire ingots are "worth" 4-5k each apparently, but what sort of market is there for sapphire armor? Seems very little.

I think 2 guarded mines are a good thing, but just don't guard the area out side the mine so when they come out they can get you. I remember on in1 people always getting people coming out of mt kendall because just the mine was guarded not anywhere else untill you got over the bridge into minoc. Especially good for new players that want to start out. Also might want to help new players out by giving them the location to ice bluedel.

Ramza Wrote:I voted yes, but in response to the "it's easy to get rich with guarded mines": It's easy to get rich either way. You can go provo a few drakes and toss some EVs and make 100k in what an hour or two? I know that's not a lot, but let's face it, it's easy to get money hunting too. Why shouldn't crafting have it easy?

You failed completely to see the point...
When you hunt, you are unsafe, open to being killed by another player.
When you are in a guarded mine, you sit there and type in verification codes. 0 danger.
Understand? It's not 'too easy' to make money while mining in a guarded area, it's 'too safe'.
However I think we should keep the guarded mines, because a lot of people like them.

edit: I think we should keep the GUARDED mines.... typo -_- But yeah of course keep all minus 2 or 3 unguarded

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