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It was nice to play

Hello everyone,
I just want to let you all know that I am quitting. I can not play with the kind of players that we are having here lately. This is not a rage quit or anything it is just that most people sooo inmature. You cant win at poker without being screamed at or being called a ****ing ****** runner!!
I have tried to be as polite as I can but people just tend to enjoy ****ing other peoples experience, freezing you, res/kill.
But well, some people enjoy that. I dont.
You help players to start and Ive spread AT LEAST 250k giving away 10k to every new player that asks for help but I get nothing in return, those same people calling me a ****** and many shits.
I gave my player to a personal friend that wanted to play so you may see him again running around.
I want to thank the guild Bandits, especially Lamby and Dogis who helped me when I started and I really enjoyed playing with you both.

Also, I want to congratulate Taran, Eru and the rest of the staff for all the work they have put into the server. It is indeed VERY nice and well balanced!


care bear servers sucks get used to it

I'm sorry you experienced that, I haven't come across that kind of player yet. Though I did res then kill a player one time. I forgot myself and ressed him (not Vampire RP...). That could have been you and if it was, I am sorry.

As discussed in game with hiro the players who pvp now days have no respect at all, anyways sucks to see you go man



Thats the world we have , so , u need survive that , if not u dies ( or quit )
hope u get back in !


I hope later on you reconsider, if every good player gives up then where does that leave us?

UO is set in a brutal world of adversity, and that's certainly how it goes down sometimes, in the past I have always written such things off as the UO experience.

If you find a person unpleasant to interact with you can always avoid them. If they persist in their harassment (clearly prohibited by the rules) then a GM can deal with that for you.

Can i have your stuff?

Nice playing with you once again Hiro. I hope you reconsider .. there will be good times .. try and forget about those losers .. just kill them all.

Hiro, I quit as well. But not because any of this.. Just because its bores me.. but just letting you know.. Anyone that post something about quitting means they dont really wanna quit. Just log off and never log back in.. thats what i did. Im just gonna chill and wait for a sphere server to open up and a little birdy told me there is one opening soon so ima wait for that one before I deck out to much wasted time into this one. The pvp was just unfun. And im not a crafter at heart. I need to go back to the pvp that made my heart race. This wasnt the type of UO that got me addicted. The economy is awesome here but thats it. This server will peaktoo early and wont peak for long.. and once ya peak.. well theres only one way to go from there. But i agree.. there are some real immature nerds here that make me wanna go on a rampage and shoot everyone of em.. Make no mistake.. I consider myself a nerd. But theres the kind that like video games, beer and woman.. This server seems to consist of players that like video games and thats it. Like their UO life is better than their reality type of players.. No personlity what so ever. OMG IM ****ING RAGING!

Maximus Wrote:Hiro, I quit as well. But not because any of this.. Just because its bores me.. but just letting you know.. Anyone that post something about quitting means they dont really wanna quit. Just log off and never log back in.. thats what i did. Im just gonna chill and wait for a sphere server to open up and a little birdy told me there is one opening soon so ima wait for that one before I deck out to much wasted time into this one. The pvp was just unfun. And im not a crafter at heart. I need to go back to the pvp that made my heart race. This wasnt the type of UO that got me addicted. The economy is awesome here but thats it. This server will peaktoo early and wont peak for long.. and once ya peak.. well theres only one way to go from there. But i agree.. there are some real immature nerds here that make me wanna go on a rampage and shoot everyone of em.. Make no mistake.. I consider myself a nerd. But theres the kind that like video games, beer and woman.. This server seems to consist of players that like video games and thats it. Like their UO life is better than their reality type of players.. No personlity what so ever. OMG IM ****ING RAGING!

When I quit I am going to continue to browse the forums and inform people that I've quit in threads about quitting. Instead of actually leaving I am going to inform them that if you create a thread about quitting then you really do not want to quit. Instead of logging off and not visiting anymore I am going to tell people that they should log off and not associate with the shard anymore.

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