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'Custom' PvP Areas/Arenas

There seems to be quite a mix of people joining the shard which has thrown up at least a few different prefences in PvP style.

I wonder if it would be possible to create an area or some arenas where you could select the PvP style, for example, you have a few of the main styles defined which can be selected along with an arena/area (different sizes, some with LOS etc). You would then be able to challenge a player to a fight with a selected set of rules/arena.

I think it would be cool to have some way to keep more people interested, there are less and less good free shards now and the more we can stick together the better. I'd love to be able to have an LOS/interupt style fight even if it was within this 'sandbox'. If you wanted to take it further, you could even have some variables that players can define when setting up the match.

Just an idea, it sounded pretty neat in my head!


Yea your right.. Why not do it that way.. Something has to be met in the middle or alot of people are gonna leave.

Nice idea. I"ll try to find a place for it.

I know it's near impossible to get a group of players to agree on anything but it would be cool to get people involved in laying down some of the 'templates' if the idea is feasible.

Thanks for reading anyway Eru Smile

It would be even cooler if the arenas had traps like spike floors and fire pits so when touched they go off. Or have really pissed of mtn goats come after the players.

This is a pretty good idea actually. I could fix so we can set up a certain area with trees or an arena where spells can be interrupted. I'd actually like to see how it works just for the fun of it and this way it won't affect the PvP in the world or tournies but just in certain pre-defined areas. There are some things I need to know though since I never played on a fizzle shard myself. Like, when you get interrupted do you loose mana? Can all spells and scrolls be fizzled by any other spell/scroll?

Since I don't want to make any drastic changes to PvP at this point this could maybe help bring more players that absolutely want fizzle PvP.

Hi Taran,

No mana loss on fizzle, and yep full interupt on any spell regardless of how it's casted. Interupt from weapons also... If you need any more info just give a shout Smile

Awesome idea.

If you want to see how fizzle PvP works check this little tutorial out me and a friend made a few years ago.

While on the topic of PvP I would ask that you add a few things to BB that we can use for line of sight. There isn't much you can do to avoid spells besides run into trees. Not big objects that you have to circle, I mean like 1 tile wide 3 or 4 tiles long. Just some things that you can duck behind to avoid being hit.

Also I understand everyone reluctance to go to full inturrupt because a lot of people would have to basically relearn PvP, but I really think melee should inturrupt spells. This would go a long way to balance melee and magery.

I really like this idea, great for giving people some fun variety and also great for testing ideas out.


This is a cool idea and a nice compromise to appease the fizzlers... But maximus if you still want to leave go ahead cause your attitude = douchebag

Taran Wrote:There are some things I need to know though since I never played on a fizzle shard myself. Like, when you get interrupted do you loose mana? Can all spells and scrolls be fizzled by any other spell/scroll?

Yes any offensive spell interrupts. I've never played a shard where fizzling made you lose mana but since you do here I guess it should.

Lamby Wrote:This is a cool idea and a nice compromise to appease the fizzlers... But maximus if you still want to leave go ahead cause your attitude = douchebag

Oh Maxiumus isn't bad, hes just... passionate.

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