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Was gonna play.

is there a way to have a training spot for newbies to duel supplied for free?

I didn't expect many of you to like the idea. People get used to things and don't want change.

I would like to give your PvP system a chance but with the lag I get (200ms) it's pointless I'll get owned anyways.

Wasn't saying "this PvP setup blows change it to how I want it" I was just throwing it out there because what I've seen of the PvP it looks pretty noobish. You are either FSing or you are healing.

Catalyst Wrote:Funny cause I found this post of yours from another thread.

So 3 days ago you openly admit that you don't pvp right now, and seem to disagree with the current pvp system. But yet in this thread you say OUR pvp system like you run that shit? Probably shouldn't contradict yourself like that and you obviously just have a personal beef with fizzle magery, one might wonder if you've ever even tried it? I mean if you did come from a non-moving while casting shard then you have no right to call any other style of pvp "button mashing" because that, in my opinion, is the worst.

first if you really want i can go back and search the forums to find how many times you have posted about this subject but honestly i dont have the time....

second your right i did not till recent start participating in the tournaments which at the time i posted that i had only been in the brit bridge fighting...which is mostly FS wars...but if you have played in the tournaments then you would know that it isnt that...

and i never said ive tried fizzle but i have watched videos of it and all that is going on is casting..i dont want to just cast i was weapons to be used otherwise there is no economy for them...

also i wanted to point out that im not totally against some sort of fizzle but i would think makeing weapons fizzle would help them get used a bit more...and going all fizzle would basically make them obsolete

on fizzle shards u can use weapons just as much as magery.. open world pvp ull use magery cause its ''open world'' on here i dont see much meleeing going on other than 1vs1 tournaments.

this pvp is interesting and worth the while to get good at.
but fizzle pvp is definitly the best pvp ive ever tried on so many mmorpgs wich requires items and button mashing.

id like to see a pvp training ground set-up for new players. to train stocked with a set amount of gold to hop in.

ps: only reason u see alot of spells getting casted is cause u dont get drained for fizzling and potions actually replenishes mana up to 80 a potion.

Mael Wrote:first if you really want i can go back and search the forums to find how many times you have posted about this subject but honestly i dont have the time....

second your right i did not till recent start participating in the tournaments which at the time i posted that i had only been in the brit bridge fighting...which is mostly FS wars...but if you have played in the tournaments then you would know that it isnt that...

and i never said ive tried fizzle but i have watched videos of it and all that is going on is casting..i dont want to just cast i was weapons to be used otherwise there is no economy for them...

also i wanted to point out that im not totally against some sort of fizzle but i would think makeing weapons fizzle would help them get used a bit more...and going all fizzle would basically make them obsolete

Nah, melee is much more useful with fizzle. I don't understand how you guys are using melee when your hits don't even fizzle spells. Don't they just FS you to death while you are trying to melee them? At least when melee fizzles spells the caster has to avoid being hit by your weapon to cast on you.

Like Genocide said you don't see anyone meleeing in the videos with fizzle because all the PvP is being done in big open areas where melee wouldn't be used anyways.

There are a lot of little differences, FS does less damage than 0.55 sphere I think, so it isn't possible to purely FS a good PvPer to death in 1 vs 1.

I won't lie to you, the PvP here won't be what you are used to. But I think if you give it some time you'll probably get pretty good at it and have some fun, also if you get established as serious PvPers I'm sure your word will carry more weight.

Arguing among players with opposing opinions right now won't get anyone anywhere, honestly, you're just giving yourself a headache.

Learn the system, kick some ass, then suggest what can be done to make it better if you still feel it's necessary. You'll have fun if you can accept being a little more noob than you are used to for a while. Trust me I know, I used to dominate AoS as a parry mage, but now I am a useless retard, but I know I will get better and a bit of humility in the meantime doesn't hurt.


lol dominating AoS......nox mage > you.

Genocide Wrote:is there a way to have a training spot for newbies to duel supplied for free?

it's a big map....plenty of places to go to duel people away from others.

Let me staff already!!!

@Gang, Hey man.. How about the staff just implements fizzle pvp for a month.. See how it ends up.. Guarantee you end up more competitive than you have ever been in your pvp career!.. You tell us to adjust, I know where your coming from on that idea trust me..and trust me man IM not being a dick, but when you come from something SOOOO advanced to something that isnt, its like uhhhhhhhhhhhhh *drool*.. Like yes there are things im not used to so it does seem advanced.. But its not on the same level.

I have been macroing for a week now, and I havent seen one 1V1 yet. Nor have I seen one melee kill during actual pvp. Meleee should fizzle spells!.. Some great ideas have come about that I read.. Magic arrow and Harm shouldnt fizzle! But FS and any 4th circle or above should! Its a reward! Not about who has the best scripts.. I go so many scripts coming it potentially can ruin the server =/.. And they are coming from a china man. Who has yet so sign in here.. but whenhe does. It wont be fun anymore.. and im apologizing now for it. I dont wanna stoop! I dont want a major change! I just want some middles met! This server doesnt consist of 100 vs 20! And BTW Gang.. Your assuming things thinking everyone who is arguing for fizzle is from the same group cause were not! Alot of these guys I hated from other servers.. And still do! But like I said.. Why not change the pvp system for one month! Tell me you dont feel better about yourself! If not than I wont say a dam thing again. and let me tell you something.. Changing the scripts of pvp isnt that hard at all! .. Nor is changing the dmg of what spells do what!.. Its basic scripting! .

Btw, This whole entire msg isnt directed at Gang, Just basically the first paragraph.

Its pretty stupid that 90% of the time, people use flamestrike lightning and magic arrow to kill someone in the field on a no skill cap server. Without fizzle, there is no need to use delayed spells like explosion, energy bolt and the 60 other spells in the spellbook etc. No fizzle makes using a melee weapon in the field ABSOLUTELY useless which is a problem no one is addressing. There are other problems with melee too that I wont go into.

Simply put, there is almost no variance in play styles in the whole server. Usually, on no skill cap servers, these things add to the dynamics of the pvp. It seems here the same tactics are used by everyone.

Overlord, If that was a facebook status Id click Like!

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