Poll: Would you like to see spells get fizzled/interupted? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
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i remember fizzzle shards like Santiago. If you like that kind of pvp then thats fine but the pvp was just ganks fests with people spamming magic arrow or harm.

The original IN pvp had a lot of flaws also. I'm not sure how much the current IN is based on old IN pvp wise.

I would just caution people to hesitate from romanticizing old IN pvp because it was a very flawed system back then.

Hal Wrote:The original IN pvp had a lot of flaws also. I'm not sure how much the current IN is based on old IN pvp wise.

I would just caution people to hesitate from romanticizing old IN pvp because it was a very flawed system back then.

Well it has changed a lot since then, but still kept the "style", at least from what I have heard. I also heard that the reason IN PvP back in the days were so flawed was because the staff back then weren't able to script it the way they wanted it due to limitations with the emulator back then, but now with a RunUO emulator they're able to, so that changed a lot.

I'm sure Taran or somebody else who used to play a lot back then can explain what's different from back then if you're interested, but the best thing would probably be just to test it out and see what it has become, it is not perfect yet but it's pretty close to it in terms of what IN PvP is ment to be like Smile That's one of the advantages of having an owner (Taran) who actually knows how to PvP and who is/was pretty good at it too Smile

- Adam

Thanks Catalyst for that post.. Yea I didnt say CHANGE IT!.. Naw.. I like this server..But would I prefer the other style of PvP? Of course, To me it just requires alot more skill. On here Its not based on 1v1.. its all guild wars from what im seeing. Which is fine. Im strong no matter what angle I come from. Im a evil genius and sometimes I dont win the battle.. but i always win the war. But from the sense of it, Not one person on here that selected Yes on the poll has made a post.. All the ones commenting are the ones who say No, and seem to be in a panic of what if!?!?. I could argue that you are the ones afraid to adjust. Lets say Taran did switch it.. Would you all pack your bags cause you cant hack it? Or would you do what Im doing and sticking it out no matter what and adjusting. Now im not trying to offend anyone.. just trying to get a feel about things, And plus! There are virtually just as many people who want fizzle than the ones who dont want it. And that was the feel I got last night when I made this post, So I wanted to get a real idea.

DCollisionD Wrote:i found myself joining fizzle shards.. and leaving fizzle shards looking for this pvp again. and now that ive got it back you want to change it? preposterous.

Amen to that...

Nasir Wrote:http://www.doggy-fizzle.com/


Gang Wrote:This:Yeah, similiar pvp to this one had the predict thingy as well, it was called spam ^^ Good one tho, no program would see through it. Anyways, removing power words is a always an option... just saying Tongue

how badass would it be if you had the option in a 1v1 tourny to disable power words if both players agree...

Eadred Wrote:[COLOR="white"]I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment, magery is undoubtedly FAR better to finish someone off. In fact, it's partly the reason for my post. I'm sort of thinking maybe we should introduce a chance to interrupt spellcasting, to make bows and melee weapons more formidable against magery. Players using magery primarily to pvp have it too good, in my opinion. If they can't miss and can't fizzle, everybody's going to just use magery. It would give those who choose to use weapons a fighting chance against a player casting spells.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter of fizzling.
[/COLOR] Big Grin

well the thing is man... it isn't "just magery" that anyone uses. you simply cannot win against a decent person without both spells and physical damage. you cannot pick between magic or weapons as your fighting style, you have to learn how to use both in order to actually kill people. there simply is no way otherwise.

sm0ke Wrote:Yeah I voted no plain and simple, would be awesome if when you fizzle a spell you don't lose mana for it though

it actually used to be like that here, but changes were made in order to make the PvP less forgiving, we felt that there should be a penalty to fizzling a spell in order to keep mana consciousness top priority.

Np man, I think they are getting a little scared that if it changed they wouldn't be able to cut it. Because it's what THEY'RE used to, which is the argument they're trying to use on you.

Granted legitimate 1v1's on UO are scarce as it is, but this system now seems to exacerbate the issue, if your only chance of killing somebody 1v1 is by luck of spamming.. then your only real way to assure you defeat somebody would be to have another person on your side. Just how I see it anyway.. seems a little flawed.. feel free to enlighten me as I do plan on getting into the thick of it at some point, once I'm macro'd up and situated. Smile

Edit: oh man i missed that doggy fizzle link haha.. that show was ridiculous to watch blazed lmao

Maximus Wrote:Thanks Catalyst for that post.. Yea I didnt say CHANGE IT!.. Naw.. I like this server..But would I prefer the other style of PvP? Of course, To me it just requires alot more skill. On here Its not based on 1v1.. its all guild wars from what im seeing. Which is fine. Im strong no matter what angle I come from. Im a evil genius and sometimes I dont win the battle.. but i always win the war. But from the sense of it, Not one person on here that selected Yes on the poll has made a post.. All the ones commenting are the ones who say No, and seem to be in a panic of what if!?!?. I could argue that you are the ones afraid to adjust. Lets say Taran did switch it.. Would you all pack your bags cause you cant hack it? Or would you do what Im doing and sticking it out no matter what and adjusting. Now im not trying to offend anyone.. just trying to get a feel about things, And plus! There are virtually just as many people who want fizzle than the ones who dont want it. And that was the feel I got last night when I made this post, So I wanted to get a real idea.

And all I'm saying is that I wouldn't come to your previous shard and tell them to change it to my favorite PvP-style, I would go to a shard where they have my favorite PvP-style and play there instead.

Sure there are a couple of people who would want it changed as well, I'm sure most of them come from a server like you where they had fizzling pvp, but just like you they should try to adapt instead of changing it.

I'm not "scared" of the change, but I don't like the attempt to change such a strong part of what makes Imagine Nation what it is, especially not when it's most likely just because you're not used to it. Try adapting if you want to play here, and if not then there are big shards with the fizzling pvp-style out there as well.

And like I said, asking for drastic changes like this when a shard is blooming and growing strong, BECAUSE of what it is, doesn't really make much sense. If the shard would be dieing this discussion would look a lot differerent, or at least my posts in the thread.

- Adam

Adam.. I read your first line and stopped reading it.. Its not just me. I am the voice for many. And your telling me you havent gone to other shards with your opinions? What are you some sort of a Monk? Everywhere you go.. People are gonna think this and that. I spoke for a mass of people.. Notice the 15 or so people that voted yes? Its not me vs the shard..

i know a lot of people like that style pvp, i actually like it too... but as stated i always end up coming back to servers like this one. the staff and players have put a lot of time effort and thought into the creation of this pvp. don't get me wrong, we have more work to do still, but things have come a long way. the pvp here wasn't created/balanced over night Tongue
honestly even if 75% of the population here votes yes you still will not see that change. i hope that doesn't come off as rude though, because i don't mean it that way.

Catalyst Wrote:Np man, I think they are getting a little scared that if it changed they wouldn't be able to cut it. Because it's what THEY'RE used to, which is the argument they're trying to use on you.
The difference is that you are coming from a shard who were like that and now you're trying to change ours into something it is not, so of course we react that way, just like you wouldn't be too happy if I came to your previous shard and said that your PvP is just magery-pvp and that you should remove the fizzling part because I think so, even tho I haven't even TRIED the fizzling part (you haven't tried our pvp-style yet).

Catalyst Wrote:Granted legitimate 1v1's on UO are scarce as it is, but this system now seems to exacerbate the issue, if your only chance of killing somebody 1v1 is by luck of spamming.. then your only real way to assure you defeat somebody would be to have another person on your side. Just how I see it anyway.. seems a little flawed.. feel free to enlighten me as I do plan on getting into the thick of it at some point, once I'm macro'd up and situated. Smile

What are you talking about? discussing something before you've tried it seems like a bad idea. This PvP is not about "luck", not at all, it is about a whole lot more, I'll mention some things below:

It is about knowing when to cast what spell.

It is about how to turn the game around so you're the one hitting.

It is about switching between weapons to get the right damage at the right time.

It is about casting magic reflections on yourself at the right time, sometimes with scrolls (faster but bigger mana cost), and sometimes without scrolls (slower but lower mana cost).

It is about combining flamestrikes from the book with flamestrike scrolls (faster, costs less mana, but makes less damage than the normal spell).

It is about casting greater heal spell at the right time and using the greater heal scroll (faster, but a lot more mana) at the right time.

It is about knowing when to cast what, and combining different spells in good combinations that damages the enemy just the right amount to kill him.

It is about good timing between spells.

It is about having fast reactions after getting the perfect hit that you have been waiting for.

It is about so many things that I can't even write it all down here in just one post, but you WILL figure it out, and when you do I think you'll love it too!

Here's a quote that I think suits this discussion:
"Don't try to change what you haven't tried, because you don't know if you might like it.."

- Adam

Maximus Wrote:Adam.. I read your first line and stopped reading it.. Its not just me. I am the voice for many. And your telling me you havent gone to other shards with your opinions? What are you some sort of a Monk? Everywhere you go.. People are gonna think this and that. I spoke for a mass of people.. Notice the 15 or so people that voted yes? Its not me vs the shard..
I choose a shard because of what they offer, then help them balance it. I don't choose a shard and then try to change the very foundation of the shard into something completely different, then I instead choose to go to a shard that has what I am looking for. I know that you're not "the only one" but I am writing my posts towards you, and then everybody else can read them as well and feel as if it was directed at them as well, if they share your opinion.

Catalyst Wrote:Np man, I think they are getting a little scared that if it changed they wouldn't be able to cut it. Because it's what THEY'RE used to, which is the argument they're trying to use on you.

Granted legitimate 1v1's on UO are scarce as it is, but this system now seems to exacerbate the issue, if your only chance of killing somebody 1v1 is by luck of spamming.. then your only real way to assure you defeat somebody would be to have another person on your side. Just how I see it anyway.. seems a little flawed.. feel free to enlighten me as I do plan on getting into the thick of it at some point, once I'm macro'd up and situated. Smile

Edit: oh man i missed that doggy fizzle link haha.. that show was ridiculous to watch blazed lmao

It's just a style we rather not play, not that we can't cut it. By all means I'm no where near use to this PvP I think I'm 5 days into playing? the rest are just macroing days. Not the mention Habibi and i rarely agree on the same thing

I guess the argument is that the only reason this shard is growing and popular is because of the pvp? If that were the case I would probably see more people pvping, or ganking I should say, than the entire Prototype guild and a handful of others. :/

If you only play here for the pvp that's a little silly seeing as this game offers so much more than that, and I think the shard does as well. I don't think they put all their time and effort into this just so people can log in and gank each other.. and if they did, well that's a shame. But I'm probably not going to post in this thread again, I'll play here regardless since like I said I'm not really primarily focused on pvp. Just want to backup a fellow player and friend since it seems like everyone is just shitting on the idea.

Edit: Adam.. thank you for explaining to me how pvp works on nearly EVERY shard lol. And I gathered it was more luck than anything by watching duels and talking to a couple pvpers.. idk maybe they were crappy pvpers lol.

Catalyst Wrote:I guess the argument is that the only reason this shard is growing and popular is because of the pvp? If that were the case I would probably see more people pvping, or ganking I should say, than the entire Prototype guild and a handful of others. :/

This shard is about so much more than the pvp, but the pvp is a big part of it for sure. The shard is growing fast and most likely 70% of the shard is macroing right now, and saying that they will start ganking and pvping when they're done with that, so don't worry, there will be a lot more pvp and gank action going on in a near future.

Catalyst Wrote:I'll play here regardless since like I said I'm not really primarily focused on pvp. Just want to backup a fellow player and friend since it seems like everyone is just shitting on the idea.

When trying to change such a big part of Imagine Nation as the pvp-style you're bound to be "shit on", not like that is what I am trying to do but I suppose it may sound like that in my posts since I am pretty much completely against this suggestion.

And it is not like we're completely against changing stuff on this shard, Maximus has made several suggestions and most of them have been greeted in a positive way, go check the other posts and you'll see.

- Adam

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