Poll: Would you like to see spells get fizzled/interupted? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
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[COLOR="white"]I agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment, magery is undoubtedly FAR better to finish someone off. In fact, it's partly the reason for my post. I'm sort of thinking maybe we should introduce a chance to interrupt spellcasting, to make bows and melee weapons more formidable against magery. Players using magery primarily to pvp have it too good, in my opinion. If they can't miss and can't fizzle, everybody's going to just use magery. It would give those who choose to use weapons a fighting chance against a player casting spells.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter of fizzling.
[/COLOR] Big Grin

But thats exactly what I was pointing out, they indeed can't miss and can't fizzle, and if they'd have infinite mana that would be an issue, but they don't. Thus anyone who thinks that weapons aren't needed\least used in 1vs1 are wrong. Or just didn't have much experience.
I'm not trying to change your opinion, people are different and so on, I'm just saying that in fact the weapons are just as important as magery in 1vs1. Thats exactly how stuff should work on a server without classes, IMHO... But yes, you can't just win with a attack last button right now. Well at least I don't remember anyone doing that yet..

It was possible to fizzle people on IN1 but only with attacks that caused them to do the screaming sound/animation at a precise time during the cast (e.g. with harm) so it was not used much in PvP. Kerith used to use it somewhat in 1 vs 1 but it was never a big thing like it appears to be in that video.


I like the pvp as it it right now but, i would have to have that damage style u had there that show how much u heal Tongue and hit^^

Having played almost exclusively on sphere or 'sphere style' shards over the past 10 odd years this is the first one I've seen without cast fizzling. I was a little dissapointed when I found out as I love the fast paced LOS/Fizzle pvp that I've been used to. The argument that you can just spam to escape never really used to cause many issues, I can't see how it's any different to someone casting reflect/gheals etc when they cant be fizzled.

Anyway I'm new here so I'm willing to see what the current pvp style is like before making a final judgement! See you around Smile


Yeah I voted no plain and simple, would be awesome if when you fizzle a spell you don't lose mana for it though

Hello players coming from the fizzling-pvp shards! This post is for you! Smile

I'd like to start by saying that I understand where you are coming from. It is not easy having played one "fighting style" in Ultima Online for several years and then coming to a completely new style that you aren't used to. I myself came from another type of shard from the beginning. I must however say that after playing here for quite some time now I've become very fond of this PvP-style, it is very fun and fast-phased. I'm pretty sure you will feel the same way after testing it out a bit more Smile

I don't think that what you're doing is right tho. Trying to change the pilarstones of a successful UO server that is growing fast while most others are fading away does not really seem like a good idea. You also need to think about the players who has played here on this latest version of Imagine Nation for more than a year now, how would they feel if they macroed their characters for several months because they like this pvp-style and this shard, and then seeing it all be ripped away from them because some players came from another server and didn't like the current pvp-style. How would you feel if that were you?

There are other shards out there who has the fizzling style, shards that has a lot of people who likes that pvp-style and most likely chose that server because of that. I would recommend that if you do not like it here you should go there, not because we do not want you here, but because there you get the fizzling style you want, and there no other people are affected by it.

Before you go tho I'd strongly recommend that you try this PvP-style out for at least a couple of weeks. Imagine Nation has used and balanced it over more than 10 years, and many people have loved it through all this time. I think you may be one of them, you just need to try it out some more. I actually believe that once you've tested it for a while longer you'll be thinking "why didn't I come here sooner?" Smile

So what I'm trying to say is pretty much this:
Small balance-changes are good, but changes that alters the whole foundation of Imagine Nation are not, according to me. This PvP is great, just different, give it time and you'll love it too, if you need some advice look me up in the game and I'll teach you how to fight here Smile

- Adam

mm that is what i was trying to say, in my short post. good look adam well said.

God I feel like nobody actually READS when they decide to leave a comment.. he plainly states that he's not trying to change the shard but at least get an idea of how everyone else feels. Not sure why people are saying if you don't like it goto a fizzle shard, or that it's the only fighting style he's ever known.. I don't think that's the case, I've played various shards with Maximus and seen him PvP quite well in many different styles from TAR to OSI. So I know he can and will adapt..

With that being said, I'm not much of a PvPer myself, however I did watch a couple tournaments here and for me personally it was like watching paint dry. It was kind of like luck of the draw.. Kal Vas Flam spammed 20x, drink a pot, smash him with a halbred, Kal Vas Flam 20x.. I'm sure there's much more to it but I couldn't really see how unpredictable PvP is fun. I would think you would want a sense of accomplishment knowing that your skill is better than the guy you just killed. Instead of getting owned by random Flamestrike spamming.. BUT like I said that's just me, and my opinion and I'm not really a PvPer. So if the current system works and the majority of players would prefer it so be it, vote accordingly.. that's why it's a POLL. Seems to be 50/50 so far..

Edit: FYI I'm not going to vote since I'm not a PvPer, just wanted to add my 2 cents.

I personally disagree with this suggestion as the only reason many of us joined this server is because the PVP was the closest we were able to find to Xuo/Novus PVP. I personally dislike the type of PVP where you have to chase people around walls and fizzle spells over and over. I would rather this type of PVP. I have played the types of servers with that Fizzle PVP and found it to be very boring as it is the same thing over and over 1 on 1. It's impossible to die if your not stupid and know what to fizzle.

Catalyst Wrote:sure why people are saying if you don't like it goto a fizzle shard, or that it's the only fighting style he's ever known..
I'm not saying that I "want" him to go to a different shard, I simply said that changing Imagine Nation the way he described would be like tearing down the whole foundation of Imagine Nation and making it into something it is not.

It's like coming to WoW and saying "I don't like this PvP, I played Star Wars Galaxies before and it was more my style, can we change it if enough players would want to?", and since at least half of WoWs players probably chose WoW cause it's WoW PvP it's not going to happen, it's better to choose SWG instead if you want to PvP that way.

IF however players playing WoW would say "Hi, I think we should "BALANCE" the PvP by increasing damage of the "charge" attack (things that would not change WoW from what it is but only balance it), then that would be a completely different story.

I don't know if that made any sense but I'm just trying to explain why it's hard to do a change like this EVEN if half of our players would want one, because the other half who has been playing for a while and most likely started BECAUSE of the PvP style (partly at least) will feel cheated and to them it might feel the same as if the server might as well would've shut down.

I mean I for one play here BECAUSE I like this PvP. I can't imagine macroing my char, getting lots of nice items to it, building a good house, etc, and then when I'm done and ready to PvP somebody says "no, we're changing the PvP to what it is like at a shard you did NOT want to play, because half of our players wanted it, sorry". Can you imagine how that would feel if the tables were turned?

I want Maximus to stay, I just want him to try out the PvP. I want YOU to try out the PvP as well, I think you might like it too, it's a completely different story to observe a fight and to actually be in one, trust me.

- Adam

Taran once said it wouldnt be implemented since its not what the shard offers... that pvp style is not of this sphere emulation.... i played on shards that had spells fizzling like this and it was nice to pvp! but unless both want to pvp to death its almost impossible to finish an oponent on 1x1... and there would need to be a lot of changes like potions and spells time...

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