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Buying Skills

Now I know you can buy skills up to 40 off NPC's but I was thinking along the lines of buying skills off player vendors. The idea would be that you could only buy a skill the player of the vendor had and only to the level they have.

For example if player "x" has GM healing you can purchase healing up to 100 off player x's vendor. If player x only had 80 healing then that would be as high as you could buy. Player x would also get a percentage of the gold spent to buy the training (say 10%). The price for training would be set rather high, so as to make it worth macro'ing skills up (but to be honest I think you'd find lots would rather get free gains through macro'ing over spending gold on training anyway).

Just in some cases like myself, although I have been fairly lucky to have time to leave comp on and macro my skills up, this is not often the case. It would nice to have an alternative so I can enjoy hunting and then use that gold to train some skills, instead of setting a macro and walking away to do something else. Things like mining I don't really have the time to train up as it requires me being here for a lot of the time and that is not always possible. Would probably take me many months to get close to any decent level in anything that require me having to be present and doing gain by use.

Anyway, just a suggestion, I'll continue to trudge along either way Big Grin

The only skills you have to be there to train are resource gathering skills. So for the vast majority of skills you can just leave your computer on.

As I said, leaving computer on is often something I can't do. So regardless of whether it is a skill I need to be present for or not is besides the point really. The point of the suggestion was for an alternative to leaving comp on to macro for those who can't and also for those who don't have a whole heap of time to sit and gain by use in regards to resource gathering. The idea is to give those casual players a bit of a chance to still get somewhere and enjoy the game over spending what time they do have setting a macro then going and playing something else.

Ahh sorry I misinterpreted what you meant, thought you meant you could leave it on but not always attended.

I dont like the idea at all... i have never seen this before, even though you said it would be really expensive...
UO is about this, those who dont have to spend on it normally go for hunting to get money!
Crafting is more for those who can spend time! You can easily set a char to go hunting, its not hard to create one.
Also i think it would ruin economy even more!
I get your point, its just the game is the way it is, cant craft? go hunt and sell items to crafeters so they can craft and then you buy... pvp... thats how it works!

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